Second Sunday of Easter
Thomas is brave. Even though he may have doubts, Thomas is the brave disciple. While all of the other disciples are holed up, Thomas is nowhere to be found. Scripture doesn’t tell us where Thomas is, but it is clear that he isn’t seeking safety behind locked doors. Thomas only speaks in the Gospel of John. He is only mentioned once in each of the synoptic gospels and Acts. Even though there isn’t a lot of information about Thomas, he is often portrayed as a faithless doubter.
Is there more to Thomas? Have we glorified doubting Thomas while failing to notice that Thomas is brave? When Jesus announces to the disciples that they will be returning to Judea because Lazarus is near death they protest, worried for Jesus safety. (John 11:8) It is Thomas who bravely announces, “Let us also go that we may die with him.” (John 11:16) Thomas is a realist and knows the dangers ahead but is willing to go.
After Mary of Magdala realizes that she is speaking to the risen Christ rather that the gardener, Jesus instructs her to go and tell the others. Mary announces that she has seen Jesus. Perhaps Thomas is there and leaps up and runs out the door because he suddenly has clarity of vision and understands the way.
Earlier in John 14:1-5, when Jesus says, “I have told your that I go to prepare a place for you…. And you know the place I am going.” Thomas admits his confusion: “We do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” But with Mary’s announcement, Thomas may have run into the streets, bravely mustering the strength not to be bound to the death grip of fear. Thomas won’t stay behind locked doors because he knows the way and is ready to brave whatever may come.. (The Gathering L/E 2024)
Third Sunday of Easter: April 14
Scripture Readings:
Acts 3:12-19 Peter preaches in Solomon”s Portico.
1 John 3:1-7 We are children of God.
Luke 24: 36b-48 Jesus invites the disciples to touch his hands and feet.
Every person is loved by God. We all are children of God, Even though we don’t know what the future holds, God is with us throughout our lives.
Jesus holds out his hands to his disciples and shows them his feet. He invites them to touch his wounds so that they will believe is is truly him, just as he had told them he would return. Sometimes we have to see and touch things to believe what we are being told.
Next Sunday; Worship leader – Kaireen Morrison, Sunday Reader – Heather Campbell
Prayer Shawl Meeting will be held on Saturday April 20 at 3- 4:30 pm in the Family Room. All knitters and crocheters are most welcome. Needles and wool can be supplied if needed.
Thrift Shop: No more donations after April 18. The Thrift Shop will be open on April 25 – 29.
UCW Meeting: to be held on May 6, at 7 pm in the Family Room. Guest speaker will be Justine Glover, she will inform the group on the Community Garden and its function in the community
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 5 - March 5, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 19 - February 19, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 11 - February 12, 2025