Easter Week:
The Arrest and Crucifixion of Jesus
( A meditation in which we pray for the disciples)
Come with the disciples to the place of crucifixion. We go reluctantly. It is easier not to get involved. We think we are all united for Jesus, and then Judas proves a betrayer. It is hard to believe that a good friend will let you down. Even Peter denies he knows Jesus. We thought our leader was made of stronger stuff. Jesus is brought to trial on trumped-up charges. He speaks the truth, but Pilate doesn’t want to know. The crowd has a chance to free Jesus. But they shout, “Crucify him! Crucify him.” And he is crucified, and agonizing death. But we do not come close enough to share his pain. The body of Jesus is taken down from the cross. We don’t hang around, We leave the dreadful scene.
For us, it seems that it is all over and finished. It seems that the force and power of the Romans and the religious authorities won out. Jesus is dead. It seems that the only ones with courage enough to stay with Jesus are the women: a group of family members, friends, and disciples. It seems as if the influence and leadership of Jesus were fine while it lasted, but now time has run out for those of us who follow Jesus. It remains only to wind up the movement and return home to resume jobs and household tasks, to restore traditional religious ways. Nothing has changed. Three days of despair and desolation and then ….. Amen
(used with permission The Gathering L/E 2023 p73, David Sparks, Summerland, B.C.)
Easter Sunday Scriptures:
- 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 An account of Jesus’ resurrection appearances
- John 20: 1-18 or Mark 16:1-8 The resurrected Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene.
The Easter story comes to us every year: a story of miracles, mystery, hope, joy and grief. How do we come to terms with the grief we may be personally experiencing in the midst of such a powerful story of love? What do we take from it to help us navigate our own lives, which may be full of fear, frustration, and suffering? Can we experience our own names being expressed through our tears and fears? Can we move away from the tomb into the world? This story of hope and love in one that demands to be shared. How do we open our hearts and our lives to share this miracle of love?
(The gathering L/E 2024)
Good Friday Service: will be held at St.Paul’s Anglican Church (March 29) at 10:30 am. Everyone is most welcome to attend.
The Prayer Shawl group will meet in the Family Room at First United on Sat, April 8, at 3-4:30 pm. All knitters and crocheters are welcome. Needles and wool can be provided if needed.
The UCW meeting will be held on April 1, 2024 at 7 pm. in the Family Room. You are welcome to join this meeting. The Speaker will be talking on the Scout program.
April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day
April 6 – International Day of Sport for Development and Peace
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 5 - March 5, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 19 - February 19, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 11 - February 12, 2025