February 14 is/was Ash Wednesday
2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10 and Matthew 6:1-6,16-21
The Ash Wednesday scriptures focus on turning towards God’s healing. Words such as repentance, forgiveness, turn around, reconciliation, return, prepare, and good news are used. The ashes remind us to turn around and remember the good news of God’s love. We are invited to move forward on a journey toward God’s healing. We are invited to enter into a place of wilderness and uncertainty that often comes when we seek healing. We can set a healing intention name it and ask for God’s healing in our own lives, our corporate lives, and in the world. In this way we accept God’s invitation to wholeness and begin the journey. It is a 40 day journey that will take us to places we may not choose to go. Knowing that God’s love is with us, we dare to embrace the journey, answer God’s call to seek out a new paths, and strive to create space to reflect, pray, and return to God’s heart during this Lenten season.
February 18 – 1st Sunday of Lent
Scripture readings:
- Genesis 9:8-17 The covenant between God and Noah
- 1 Peter 3:18-22 Baptism now saves you
- Mark 1:9-15 The baptism, temptation, and mission of Jesus.
On the first Sunday in Lent, the scripture texts thrust us into the wilderness. First, we encounter the story of God’s promise to Noah after the flood. In the gospel is the baptism of Jesus, who is then driven out into the wilderness.
Prayer for Lent:
Abba, God, as we gather on this Ash Wednesday, we are preparing for the Lenten journey with Jesus. Help us to own up to our less that-best behaviour, especially when we know we have broken your trust, hurt others, or injured our own lives. Strengthen us with sincere resolve to follow the healing path of Jesus. Drench us in forgiveness and courage as we journey through this desert season in prayer and thoughtful awareness. Amen.
Jani Francis, St Andrew’s U.C. Indian Head Sask. The Gathering /Lent 2024
Prayer Shawl Group will meet next on Sat. Feb. 24th at 3-4:30 in the Family room at the church.
February 19 – Family Day
February 20 – World Day of Social Justice
February 22 – Scout and Guide Day
February 23 – Pink Shirt Day – Anti – Bullying
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 5 - March 5, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 19 - February 19, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 11 - February 12, 2025