Notice of Public Meeting – Proposed Amendments to Permit Short-term Accomodations in all Residential Zones



The Municipality of Wawa has introduced proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments related to Short-Term Rental and Bed and Breakfast Accommodations.

TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa will be holding a Public Meeting at Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre, Banquet Hall, 3 Chris Simon Drive, Wawa, on February 20, 2024 at 6:30 PM as required under Sections 17 and 34 of the Ontario Planning Act to consider the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.

The proposed amendments to the Wawa Official Plan will set the policy framework for the establishment of the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment and Short-Term Rental Accommodation Licencing By-law. The proposed Official Plan policy amendments will achieve the following:

  1. Recognize that the short-term rental of dwelling units has occurred for years.
  2. Recognize that dedicated Short-Term Rental Accommodations is a more recent phenomenon that needs to be effectively managed to protect the planned function of residential areas.
  3. Include policies requiring the Municipality to enact an amending Zoning By-law and a new Licencing Bylaw to regulate Short-Term Rental Accommodations.
  4. Require regulations to:
    1. Define Short-Term Rental Accommodations as being a dwelling unit or part of a dwelling unit used to provide temporary accommodation for no more than 29 consecutive days and does not include a hotel, motel, commercial RV Parks or bed and breakfast businesses.
    2. Permit Short-Term Rental Accommodations in zones that permit residential dwelling units.
    3. Establish regulations to ensure the planned function and character of residential areas are maintained.
    4. Establish a licencing system and regulations to minimize the negative impacts of Short-Term Rental Accommodations.


The proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law will establish regulations that:

  1. Includes a definition of Short-Term Rental Accommodation that:
    1. Includes the term secondary to identify that the primary use of a dwelling is for residential purposes and that a short-term rental accommodation use is secondary.
    2. Categorically separates dwelling unit rentals for longer periods as differing from those that are rented for 29 days or less. Rental of a dwelling unit for 29 days or less is a defined as a Short-Term Rental Accommodation.
    3. Identifies that various types of commercial accommodation types are not Short-Term Rental Accommodations.
  2. Permits Short-Term Rental Accommodations in zones where dwelling units are a permitted use to a maximum of three bedrooms in a single dwelling unit.
  3. Establishes a minimum parking requirement of one (1) parking space per bedroom for a Short-Term Rental Accommodation.
  4. Prohibits a Short-Term Rental Accommodations from being located in an accessory building.

A key map illustrating the location of the subject lands is not provided as the proposed amendments would apply to all lands within the Municipality of Wawa.

THE PURPOSE of the meeting is to inform the public of the impact of the proposed amendments and receive community input. Any person may attend the meeting and make verbal or written comments in support of, in opposition to, or ask a question regarding the proposed Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law Amendments.

ANY PERSON may provide written submissions regarding the amendments sent to the Clerk via email at [email protected] or by mail to: Municipality of Wawa, 40 Broadway Avenue, P0S 1K0, P.O. Box 500. Any person wishing to make an oral statement during the meeting should contact Maury O’Neill at [email protected] by Tuesday, February 20th at 12:00 p.m. to ensure they are included in the meeting. All comments and written submissions will form part of the public record of the meeting.

If you are submitting written submissions or making an oral statement to the Municipality concerning the proposed amendments, note that your name and and communication with the Municipality will become part of the public record.

IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY wishes to be notified of Council’s decision on this proposal, you must send a written request to Maury O’Neill at [email protected] or Municipality of Wawa, 40 Broadway Avenue, Wawa, ON, P0S 1K0, P.O. Box 500.

IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of Council of the Municipality of Wawa to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Wawa before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Wawa before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

IF YOU WISH to make an oral statement during the meeting or require further information, contact Maury O’Neill at [email protected] or call 705-856-2244 ex. 223 by Tuesday, February 20th at 12:00 p.m.


Posting of this Notice
Monday, January 29, 2024
Maury O’Neill, CAO-Clerk
Municipality of Wawa

This Public Meeting will be live-streamed on the Municipality of Wawa You-Tube channel:

Upon request the Municipality of Wawa will provide accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities regarding this matter. Please contact the Wawa Clerk at 705-856-2244 ex 223 for information.

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