Read Genessis 21:8-21 Hagar and Ishmael sent away.
Hagar was a slave in Abraham and Sarah’s household. Sarah could not have children so Hagar the slave became mother to Abraham’s child, Ishmael. Through a miracle Sarah became pregnant at the age of 88. and Abraham was 100 years old. Their child Isaac would inherit his father’s wealth. Sarah felt that Hagar and Ishmael should be sent from their home, so Abraham sent her away.
There had been a feast to celebrate Isaac’s birth, then Hagar and child were cast out. This text in Genesis shows family intrigue and dysfunction. It raises questions about God’s engagement in people’s lives.
Hagar must have gone through a time of many emotions after being sent out on her own with a child. The worry, anger and sadness she experienced. Hagar having to leave her home and to watch her child suffer as they roamed and arid desert. She was at the point of giving up when an angel came to her and said. “Everything will be alright, it’s not the end”. We may not always recognize God at work, Faith calls us to trust that we are in God’s care. Yet, as the gospel reminds us, God’s care may come in a Jesus who challenges and confronts us, a Jesus who dares us to lose our life in order to find it.
The other scriptures for last Sunday were, Psalm 86, and Matthew 10:24-39 (Discipleship; lose your life to find it.)
Our Service was again held through the internet with St. John’s United in Marathon. Those attending church felt this was a positive way to continue contact and services with other churches in the area. We will continue to have a service with other churches in this manner in the fall.
There will not be a service in the church next Sunday, July 2nd.
Interdenominational Service, will be held at the hospital garden on July 2nd at 10:30. Please bring a lawn chair if you able.
The Summer services will be shared with St. Paul’s Anglican Church. The July services will be held at First United and the August services will be held at St. Paul’s.
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 5 - March 5, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 19 - February 19, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 11 - February 12, 2025