Baggage or luggage? After a great start in the Genesis garden, things went off the rails and did not go well for a while after that. When we get to Genesis 12, it’s a new start. God begins a new thing with Abram and Sarai, a promise of a new creation in creation. A “Great Nation” that will be a blessing. God said,”Go, leave country and family behind,” and so Abram and Sarai went. There appears to have been no “what ifs” or worries. The couple simply went. How far could we go if we went without self-imposed boundaries, with faith in a God who offers the promise of blessing? How might our faith community change if we were to begin a new chapter today, just because we experienced God sending us with a “Go”?
Based on Genesis 12:1-9
“Corrie ten Boom was a prisoner of the Nazis when they invaded Holland. She and her family hid Jews in their home and were betrayed. She and her sister were sent to the death camp of Ravensbruck.
One night her sister Betsie woke Corrie and said she had been given a vision, that they would use this death camp to rebuild lives, and then travel the world telling people about Jesus. Can you imagine such a vision in such a grim place? Betsie died three days later but Corrie was left with her vision. Corrie travelled the world spreading the story of her survival and how her life was in God’s hands. God opened many doors of opportunity and she spent the last 30 years of her life travelling the world as an ambassador for Christ.
God fulfills his promised, not always in the time that we would like – but God fulfills his promises.
* God called Abram, and was faithful to his promised.
*God called Betsie and Corrie, and was faithful to his promise.
* And God will be faithful to us.
An old poem says:
“And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year,”Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied,” Go into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better that light, and safer than the known way.”
Let us walk with our hand in God’s hand. Then he will lead us through the darkness and into the light. “ from Sunday’s message
We welcome all those who wish to explore their faith, to join us on Sunday Morning at 11 am. We are all on a journey of faith.
Sunday, June 18th we will be joining the Rural Connect program and sharing a service with other churches in our region, Wawa to Thunder Bay. We will be having George & Joy Bott from Marathon to show us how to use the technology, so that when we are without a minister, we will be supported by other churches. This program will let us participate in a services in the future with other churches. It is a new challenge for the congregation of First United.
Prayer Shawl Group: will meet on June 24th at 3 pm, in the Family Room. Knitters and crocheter are most welcome. You do not have to make a prayer shawl if you have some other project to do.
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 5 - March 5, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 19 - February 19, 2025
- Happenings at First United Church– February 11 - February 12, 2025