Wawa First United Church News – Fourth Sunday in Lent

This week we talked about judging people based on appearance and how Samuel did not think of David the raggedy, smelly young shepherd boy would be the king of the Jewish nation. It turned out that he became one of the best king of the Israelites but he also wrote many of the Psalm we read in the Bible. Years ago everyone focused on how a person was dressed as to whether they would be accepted into society. Well you may find that some of the most interesting people you will meet will not be the best dressed. We should never judge a book (person) by the cover.


We invite you to join us on Sunday at 11:00 a.m.

Bible Study with Lectionary:  Mar. 23 (Thurs) 1:30 p.m. in the Family Room. Interested people are welcome to join us. Scriptures are Ezekiel 37:1-4; Psalms 130; Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45

Prayer Shawl meeting: Mar.. 25th (Sat) in the Family Room. All knitters welcome, If you want to learn to knit this is your chance to learn, Knitting needles are available.

The Cross of Lights will again be lit on Palm Sunday April 2nd. If you would like to purchase a bulb  in memory of someone, the price is still $5. Please contact Maria Reid at 705-856-2861 or leave an envelope with your request on the offering plate on Sunday.

The Thrift Shop is now accepting donations. Next Thrift Shop  will be April 27th to May 1st.


United Church