The library is open for curbside pickup only. Patrons are not permitted in the library at this time. Please place your book holds by calling the Circulation Desk at 705-856-2244 ext. 290, emailing us at [email protected] or by accessing the Online Catalogue on our website at We are more than happy to help you with your reading needs.
All library materials go through a sanitization process before they are checked out to the public. When materials are returned through the Book Drop, we are using gloves to handle items and then place them in a box for a minimum of 72 hours. After 72 hours, the materials are removed, checked in and wiped down with 70% alcohol solution, filed back into the collection and ready to be checked out again!
The After-School Programs are temporarily suspended again due to the recent lockdown announcement of schools returning to remote learning. When restrictions lift, Indiana will be back with more crafts, clay and stories. Stay Safe!
Your library card gives you access to a huge selection of e-books and audiobooks. Download the app to your computer, tablet or mobile phone and open up a whole new world of reading. This is an amazing app!! Download it today!
This week’s New Books are “On Harrow Hill” by John Verdon, “The Affair” by Danielle Steel, ‘Good Eggs” by Rebecca Hardiman and “Return of the Trickster” by Eden Robinson.
This week’s new Movies on the Shelf are “Die Hard”, “Wander”, “Castle the Complete Fifth Season” and “Sons of Anarchy Season Two”. Check it out!
Our Staff Pick of the Week is “Smokescreen” by Iris Johansen.
(from book jacket) A journalist shows up on Eve Duncan’s doorstep with a plea for help. Jill Cassidy has just come from a small African village with a heart wrenching story: half the villagers — many of them children — have been killed in a horrific attack by guerilla soldiers, the bodies burned beyond recognition. Now, the families desperately need Eve’s help to get closure and begin to heal.
But when Eve arrives in the remote jungle, she begins to suspect that Jill’s plea may have been a cover story for a deeper, more sinister plot. Isolated and unsure who she can trust, Eve finds herself stranded in an unstable country where violence threatens to break out again at any moment and with only her own instincts to rely on if she hopes to get home to her family alive . . .
A library membership is available to all Municipal residents and contracting communities. Proof of residency and a photo ID is required. We also have a non-resident registration available for anyone coming from out of town or from a non-contracting community nearby. The fee for non-residents is $10.00 per month or $95.00 per year! Registration forms can also be printed from the library’s website under the “Membership and Fees” tab!
Check out our website at There is an amazing amount of reference material and tools available for everyone. Check the E-Resources tab for all kinds of information. Patrons can go to the Online Catalogue to access your library account and place holds on items you would like to check out. We also have a blog page titled Library News. In here you will find current happenings at the Wawa Public Library.
DVD TO VHS CONVERSION: We are now able to convert VHS-C cassettes to DVD! These are the small cassettes that fit in a video camera. Thank you to a patron who donated the VHS-C cassette adapter. Please call the Circulation Desk for more details.
WI-FI: Free Wi-Fi is available at the library and can be accessed from your vehicle.
DROP BOX: Our drop box is in place for returns. Please no batteries or ink cartridges in the drop box.
BOARD MEETING: Wawa Public Library Board Meeting are cancelled due to Provincial Lockdown in effect. Please Stay Safe!
HOURS – Open Tuesday-Friday from 11:00am-4:00pm for Curbside Pickup only!
- Between the Covers – March 3rd - March 5, 2025
- Between the Covers – February 19th - February 19, 2025
- Between the Covers – November 25 - November 25, 2024