What happened at Council – November 30

The Special Council Meeting of November 27th, 2020 was attended by all councilors.

The agenda was approved as presented with all in favour. There were no announcements.

In today’s business, Council approved the vesting of 135 Mills Drive in the Wawa Industrial Park. This vacant lot was in tax arrears and was placed for tax sale for the sum of $10,656.98. With no sale, the property was recommended for vesting and writing off of the tax roll of the tax owing. Once vested, the property could then be sold. Council approved the sale of the property to Hwy 17 Motel Inc for a total of $7,500 plus all taxes and fees incurred.

Council also approved the submission of a funding application to the ICIP Resilient Fund for sidewalk repairs. A successful application will see the sidewalk between Magpie and Klondike (east side) and then Klondike to Chris Simon Drive (west side) repaired.  A funding application to the Ontario Trillium Resilient Fund for Electronic Sign and the Harry McLuskie Marina washrooms. The washroom building has been damaged by various flooding events and will be replaced.

The meeting closed at 12:09 p.m.