WAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY SUMMER PROGRAMS: Summer Reading Program has come to an end! Thanks to everyone who joined our lives and entered our reading jar contest! Our winners for the tablet and candy were Riley, Isla, and Lachlan. Thanks again to Wesdome, Brookfield and the Rotary Club for donating to help us get these awesome prizes and materials for our clubs. Thank you also to Zoe for another great summer of fun and reading! Hope that everyone has a great school year!
LIBRARY REOPENING: The library will be reopening Tuesday, Sept. 8th 2020. Our reopening policy is available to read on the library website (wawa.olsn.ca). We will be allowing five people in at a time for no more than 15 minutes at a time. Anyone wishing to use the public computers must call ahead to book a time. This is to avoid having too many people in the library. The time limit on the computers will be 30 minutes. Masks must be worn, social distancing must be respected and hand sanitizer will be provided. We will ask that you read a questionnaire prior to entering the library. Only the main library entrance will be available at this time. Our hours initially will remain Tuesday-Friday from 11:00am-4:00pm. The drop box will remain open at all times. All library materials will be returned in the drop box, not the circulation desk. You will be required to leave your name and contact info so that we may complete a daily Covid-19 Tracking Sheet! For those not comfortable entering public buildings, we will continue curbside pickup.
NEW BOOKS: This week’s New Books are “The Persuasion” by Iris Johansen, “The Summer House” by James Patterson & Brendan DuBois, “The Henna Artist” by Alka Joshi and “The Skin We’re In” by Desmond Cole. Check it out!! Curbside pickup available!
NEW MOVIES: The New Movies cataloged this week are “Bad Boys for Life”, “Sonic The Hedgehog” “Edge of Darkness” and “Watchmen Director’s Cut”! Check it out!!
CURBSIDE PICK UP: The Wawa Public Library has Curbside Pickup available for our patrons! Place your order by accessing your account from our website and placing your order. If you do not know or remember your password please call or email and we can look it up for you! You can also place an order by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us at 705-856-2244 at 290!
LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP: A library membership is available to all municipal residents and contracting communities. Please call or email us to set up an account. Proof of residency and a photo ID is required. We also have a non-resident registration available for anyone coming from out of town or from a non-contracting community nearby. The fee for non-residents is $10.00 per month or $95.00 per year!
LIBBY: The Wawa Public Library is close but no need to stop reading with the LIBBY APP at your fingertips. Your library card gives you access to a huge selection of books and audiobooks. Download the app to your computer, tablet or mobile phone and open up a whole new world of reading. This is an amazing app!! Download it today!
WEBSITE : Check out our website at wawa.olsn.ca There is an amazing amount of reference material and tools available for everyone. Check the E-Resources tab for all kinds of information. The Online Catalogue and your library account are accessible. We also have a blog page titled Library News. In here you will find current happenings at the Wawa Public Library.
DVD TO VHS CONVERSION: We are now able to convert VHS-C cassettes to DVD! These are the small cassettes that fit in a video camera. Thank you to a patron who donated the VHS-C cassette adapter. Please call the Circulation Desk for more details.
WI-FI: Free Wi-Fi is available at the library and can be accessed from your vehicle.
DROP BOX: Our drop box is in place for returns. Please no batteries or ink cartridges in the drop box.
BOARD MEETING: Wawa Public Library Board Meetings will be canceled until further notice.
LIBRARY HOURS – Open for Curbside Pickup only Tuesday-Friday from 11:00am-4:00pm.
Please wear a mask, stay safe, wash your hands and we will see you soon!
- Between the Covers – March 3rd - March 5, 2025
- Between the Covers – February 19th - February 19, 2025
- Between the Covers – November 25 - November 25, 2024