photo courtesy of Wawa-news
A collaborative effort borne out of a conversation and a willingness to take a risk, has yielded a beautiful, bright, and engaging piece of congratulatory artwork in Wawa’s downtown core. The Community Organizations Roundtable identified that there were not going to be formal graduation ceremonies due to the current world situation, so participants started to explore ideas of how collectively we could recognize graduates.
One of those ideas came from Nadine Cartledge, Principal of St Joseph French Immersion, and was quickly floated between Wawa’s schools’ Principals, Rotary, the EDC, Michipicoten First Nation (MFN), the Municipality, and the BIA. A congratulatory mural gained traction and within a week the group had a rough idea of what the mural would say and what elements it would contain. Meanwhile, Isabeau Allard from the EDC was looking for a space to install the finished product. In a stroke of insight, Judy Page’s building was deemed a perfect fit and graciously loaned. Thank you, Judy!
Sir James Dunn, Michipicoten High School, Ecole St Joseph, St Joseph’s French Immersion, MFN, the Municipality of Wawa, EDC Wawa and Rotary all stepped up and contributed funding. Students were queried around design elements and feedback was collected and distilled. This information was quickly passed to Aaron Robinson and Kieran Klockars, both local graphic artists who quickly went to work to hammer out a design. Gimaa Kwe/Chief Tangie from MFN connected the team with Professor Jean-Paul Chalykoff who was quick to turn around a translation of the message in Anishinaabe. Kevin Sabourin speedily processed the mural permit and then a final design was chosen by the group, refined, then sent off to print. When it arrived, Tom and Travis Terris from Wawa Rent-All stepped up and donated staff time and a sky jack to install the art piece. All of this took place in a mere 18 days.
The result is a beautiful piece of work to commemorate this year’s graduating classes. Graduates are encouraged to visit the site with their families and “try on” the wings for a photo opportunity, while embodying the message that graduation has set them sail to pursue their dreams.
This all happened because of one fundamental truth: school staff, the Municipality, MFN, community organizations, Rotary, businesses, and Wawa and area residents truly care about our young people, as they are our future. It is in their honor that we have collectively developed this mural, in recognition and celebration of their achievement, and to encourage them along their chosen path. Graduates, we believe in you and the vision you hold for yourself and cannot wait to see how you spread your wings.
” Congratulations to all our 2020 graduates. Although you will not have a traditional graduation, the challenges you face and conquer during this Pandemic will shape you into a stronger person with sound character that will broaden your view of your role as community minded persons. You will forever remember this year and your unique graduation. Go forward safely.” – Mayor Ron Rody
“This is an exciting time of your life. A time of new beginnings and roads ahead that can leave you wondering which way to turn. We all experience those feelings of uncertainty. The best remedy to overcome them is to sit in the quiet, just you and Creator. Ask for the direction you need and wait, take the time to hear the answer that is already within you. Give yourself the discipline and patience to know what’s in your heart. This I know for sure, “If your mind can conceive it, your heart can believe it, you can achieve it!” – Gimaa Kwe/Chief Tangie – Michipicoten First Nation
”Thank you Wawa for coming together to help celebrate the graduation of local students. This is a very important step in the life of the students and their families, and the Wawa Economic Development Corporation is pleased to be part of this celebration. Best wishes.” – Andy Stevens – Chair – EDC Wawa
“In these unprecedented times, the Rotary Club of Wawa is proud to engage in recognizing our amazing Graduates with a unique Congratulatory message for all our community to appreciate and enjoy.” – Liz Talian-Clark – Rotary President
A special thank you to Laura Mitchell, Tarmo Poldmaa, Lucille Vachon-Case, Nadine Cartledge, Liz Talian-Clarke and Russell Reid from the Rotary Club of Wawa, Mayor Ron Rody, CAO Maury O’Neill, Alex Patterson, Kevin Sabourin, Judy Page and Marcel Provost, Travis Terris, Tom Terris, Wawa Rent-all, Daniel Belisle, Mariah Tremblay, Isabeau Allard, Aaron Robinson, Kieran Klockars and all the teachers and students that contributed to the development and design of the mural.
SOURCE – EDC of Wawa
- Hwy 101 (Wawa to Chapleau) OPEN - March 6, 2025
- Hwy 17 (Wawa to Batchawana Bay) OPEN - March 6, 2025
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