TDSUMMER READING CLUB: The TD Summer Reading Club will be an ON-LINE event this year! Stay tuned to your Wawa Public Library for more information coming soon!
LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP: The Wawa Public Library is offering, during the Covid-19 crisis, a library card to anyone who does not have one. With the library card you can access an amazing selection of e-books and audio books through the Libby App. If you are interested please call the circulation desk at 705-856-2244 ext 290 or email [email protected]. Please provide your name and contact information and we will give you your card number. If you are a member with a valid library card and it is not working; it may be that your card is expired or maybe has an alert in which case you would be blocked. Call or email the library and we can make sure you have access to library material. We are automatically updating cards we know are expired but we may not catch them all. When the Covid-19 threat is over, we can update info and provide you with a physical card. Until then, stay home, stay safe.
LIBBY: The Wawa Public Library is close but no need to stop reading with the LIBBY APP at your fingertips. Your library card gives you access to a huge selection of books and audiobooks. Download the app to your computer, tablet or mobile phone and open up a whole new world of reading. This is an amazing app!! Download it today!
WEBSITE : The Wawa Public Library’s website is up and running. Please take a moment and check it out! There is an amazing amount of reference material and tools available for everyone. Check the E-Resources tab for all kinds of information. The web address is The Online Catalogue and your library account are accessible. We also have a new blog page titled Library News. In here you will find current happenings at the Wawa Public Library. Don’t forget TumbleBooks is offering free access to their resources during the Covid-19 crisis. The links can be found under the E-Resources link.
LIBRARY MATERIALS: If you have library material, they can still at this time be returned using the drop box. You may also keep the material if you wish. All materials on loan at this time will have fine free check ins!
WI-FI: Free Wi-Fi is available at the library and can be accessed from your vehicle.
DROP BOX:Our drop box is still in place for returns at this time. This may change without notice. Please no batteries or ink cartridges in the drop box.
BOARD MEETING:Wawa Public Library Board Meetings will be canceled until further notice.
LIBRARY HOURS– The library is closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Covid-19 Pandemic- Please stay home, stay safe, wash your hands and we will see you all soon.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful mom’s!
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- Between the Covers – February 19th - February 19, 2025
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