SSM City – Road Closures due to Significant Rainfall

Due to significant rainfall in the area, there are a number of roadways which are flooded and are not passable. The following is a list of road closures at this time:

  • Queen between Lake and Parkdale
  • Andrew Street at Queen Street
  • Johnson Street from Lloyd to Farewell
  • Farwell from Johnson to Rossmore
  • Bay Street from Gore to East Street
  • Queen Street between Lake and Parkdale and Hugill
  • The Underpass
  • Gore Street at Bay Street
  • Pine Street Hill
  • Highway 17 North closed at train trestle
  • Queen Street to Marina
  • Black Road – between Second and Third Line
  • Frontenac, and
  • Churchill Ave.

If at all possible, motorists are advised to stay off the roadways at this time. Public Works is working to address flooding concerns; however, the storm system in many cases is at or beyond capacity.

Further updates will be provided as appropriate.

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