March was a special time for our Veterans in 1945 as the final push to get across the Rhine was planned. After this was done they made a U-turn to the west and entered Holland from the east. On April 2nd our family was liberated in Warnsveld and a week later Zutphen.
In remembrance of our Veterans and the local Branch 429 our President is circulating a letter for a financial appeal for the lift. We already have spent a lot of funds to make the washrooms downstairs wheelchair accessible and a ramp installed. Now the final phase is the lift from the street level to downstairs and upstairs to the hall.
And with the help of the town, a donation of $50.00 will get you a receipt for your income tax. And a $100.00 Donation will get your name on a plaque to hang in the Legion. So that is what can we all together do for the Legion.
Our President wants to thank all those who came out for the Wawa Legions Winter Carnival Wing Ding, We appreciate your patience and are working on an improved experience at each event. A huge Thank You to our volunteers and a special thank you to Doris and Paul for managing the floor. We could not do it without the Community and volunteers support!.
And we want to mention that Keith Killins and Mike McGreith are in our thoughts, and we hope all of us will get to spring soon in good health after a Loong winter.
To all our Comrades sick at home in the hospital or nursing homes, you are in our prayers and we wish you well.
- From the Branch – June 8 - June 8, 2022
- From the Branch – May 18 - May 18, 2022
- From the Branch – May 11 - May 11, 2022