Happenings at Wawa First United Church – December 5

The congregation welcomes everyone to Worship at First United Church.  Services are held on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. If anyone has a question or concern please leave a message on the answering machine at the Church 705-856-2926
A special THANK YOU to everyone who helped in so many ways at the Bazaar & Luncheon held last Saturday.
Sun.  Dec. 09    2nd Sunday in Advent
             The Candle of Peace will be lit on the Advent Wreath.
Tues. Dec. 11   U.C.W. Christmas Meeting at  LDHC – 6:15 p.m.
                          ALL ARE WELCOME
Thurs. Dec. 13  Worship Committee 2 p.m.
Sun.  Dec. 16    Official Board Meeting
Mon. Dec. 24    Christmas Eve Family Service – 7:30 p.m.
   The Christmas Star of Lights is again lighting up the front of the Church
   during the Advent season.
   If you would like a bulb in memory of someone or to celebrate an event
   the cost is $5.00  a bulb.  Please contact Maria R. 705-856-2861.
O God, come travel with us through Advent .  Give us courage to spread Peace in the world.
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