The Superior East Detachments of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) will be out in full force during the Labour Day long weekend to prevent unnecessary deaths and injuries by encouraging all motorists to drive responsibly.
While police are committed to raising awareness about the dangers of driving while distracted, they are also enforcing the legislation that carries tough penalties that go with it. The set fine for distracted driving is $490 and 3 demerit points. If contested, drivers can be fined up to $1000 upon conviction for inattentive driving. Police are serious about this deadly driving practice, and the OPP is hopeful that higher fines will help reduce the number of distracted driving-related deaths and collisions on Ontario roads.
Pay Attention to the Road
- Distracted driving refers to all forms of distracted or inattentive driving, such as adjusting a vehicle’s entertainment or GPS unit or stereo, eating and drinking, using a hand-held device, self-grooming, tending to the children in the back seat, and more. The true danger to public safety lies in the distraction, not the device.
Seatbelts Saves Lives
- All Ontario drivers and passengers must wear a seatbelt in a properly adjusted and securely fastened manner. Making sure your children are also secure in a properly installed child restraint is equally as important. Wearing a seatbelt properly will dramatically increase your chance of surviving a motor vehicle collision.
- If one person decides not to wear a seatbelt, yourself and others in the vehicle are also at risk of serious injury. If you are in a collision there is the likelihood that the person not wearing their seatbelt is tossed around in the car striking the other passengers.
- Remember, it takes mere seconds to fasten your seat belt and it takes mere seconds to lose your life because you didn’t.
Obeying Speed Limits
- Speed is one of the leading causes of motor vehicle fatalities in Ontario. Slowing down and obeying the posted speed limit, will reduce the number of fatal crashes and serious injury collisions.
Don’t Drink or Do Drugs and Drive
- Impaired driving continues to be among the leading criminal causes of death in Canada. Never allow yourself to drink and drive, never allow someone you suspect is impaired by alcohol or drugs to drive.
Driving is a complex task which requires your full attention. Remember, you are operating a heavy piece of machinery, navigating in diverse weather conditions, calculating speeds and distance plus always responding to other drivers and obstacles. Unfortunately, the irresponsible behaviour of one driver can negatively affect the lives of many.
“Distracted Driving is one of the leading causes of traffic collisions. It is not socially acceptable to use your mobile devices while driving, but we often see people using their phones while behind the wheel. Although we continue to conduct enforcement throughout the year, you can expect increased police enforcement over the September long weekend to increase safety on our roadways. Please keep your head out of your apps and focus on driving safely” says Inspector Scott Hlady.
- SE OPP – Motorists advised not to travel - January 22, 2025
- SE OPP – Driver Arrested - January 22, 2025
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