Weather – Mainly cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. Risk of a thunderstorm early this morning. Fog patches dissipating early this morning. High 18. UV index 6 or high.
Marine Weather – Strong wind warning in effect.Wind light except north 15 knots over western sections. Wind becoming north 15 early this morning then increasing to north 20 near noon. Wind diminishing to northwest 10 this evening then backing to west 10 near noon Wednesday. Wind increasing to southwest 15 Wednesday evening. Waves one metre subsiding to one half metre near midnight then building to one Wednesday evening. Chance of showers today. Risk of thunderstorms early this morning.
News Tidbits – The Pope has issued a letter of apology in response to the report documenting abuse by more than 300 priests in Pennsylvania of more than 1,000 victims over a period of 70 years. In Canada 16 out of 70 Catholic dioceses in Canada were associated with the former Indian Residential Schools, in addition to about three dozen religious communities. Because each diocese and religious community is legally responsible for its own actions, an apology on Residential Schools has not been made by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops or in the name of the Catholic Church in Canada.
- Hwy 101 (Wawa to Hwy 651/Missinabie) OPEN - February 6, 2025
- Hwy 17 (Wawa to Heyden) CLOSED - February 6, 2025
- Hwy 631 (White River to Jct 631/11) CLOSED - February 6, 2025