Red Pine Exploration Discovers New Shear Zone at Its Wawa Gold Project

Apr 13, 2018 @ 11:55

Red Pine has announced results from 20 diamond drill holes from the 2017-2018 drill program. As a result of this drill program, a new discovery almost 1 kilometer north of the Surluga Deposit, indicates the potential to expand their gold resources. Results also indicate that gold mineralization in the footwall of the Surluga Deposit now extends over a strike length of more than 2.2 kilometers.

Figure 1 – Diamond Drill Locations

Drilling highlights (Table 1):

New gold zones discovered in the Wawa Gold Corridor:

  • RV-18-182 contains 10.17 grams per tonne (g/t) gold over 2.0 metres, 950 metres north of the inferred resource in the Hornblende Shear Zone;
    • SD-18-178 contains two zones with higher grade gold, enveloped by lower grade gold mineralization:
    • 7.05 g/t gold over 1.0 metre contained in 0.75 g/t gold over 12.6 metres in a discovery zone
    • 12.76 g/t gold over 1.1 metres contained in 0.77 g/t gold over 26.0 metres in a discovery zone
    • SD-17-167 contains 2.00 g/t gold over 4.6 metres within 1.09 g/t gold over 10.9 metres in the Hornblende Shear Zone

Quentin Yarie, President and Chief Executive Officer of Red Pine states, “Our drilling continues to expand the mineralized footprint of the Wawa Gold Project. We have discovered broad zones of mineralization between the Jubilee Shear Zone, the host of the Surluga Deposit, and the Hornblende Shear (sub-parallel to the Jubilee Shear). We will further investigate these new lenses of high-grade gold in our on-going drilling program as we continue to work towards advancing the existing resource on the project.”

Table 1. Highlights of the 2017-2018 drilling results in the Wawa Gold Corridor

Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m)* Gold (g/t) Gold Zone
SD-17-113 221.2 225.9 4.7 1.09 Surluga Road Shear
SD-17-124 207.5 222.0 14.5 0.64 Jubilee Shear Zone
216.3 221.0 4.7 1.09
SD-17-129 82.0 83.0 1.0 2.27 Minto Stockwork
SD-17-135 78.4 82.6 4.2 2.06
81.6 82.6 1.0 6.42
SD-17-150 198.75 206.85 8.1 0.39 Algoma North
240.44 241.44 1.0 3.93 Jubilee Shear Zone
252.1 256.2 4.1 1.99
SD-17-162 200.8 202.8 2.0 2.75 Minto Mine South
208.3 209.4 1.1 2.80
SD-17-164 221.5 224.2 2.7 2.98
222.5 223.5 1.0 6.12
SD-17-167 366.8 377.7 10.9 1.09 Hornblende Shear Zone
367.6 372.2 4.6 2.00
SD-17-169 186.6 189.2 2.6 2.65 Minto Mine South
SD-17-173 456.6 461.6 5.0 1.43 Hornblende Shear Zone
SD-18-178 119.5 132.1 12.6 0.75 William Gold Zone
131.1 132.1 1.0 7.05
222.9 262.4 39.5 0.58
224.9 226.0 1.1 12.76
322.0 330.0 8.0 0.79 Hornblende Shear Zone
322.0 325.0 3.0 1.71
RV-18-182 232.5 234.5 2.0 10.17
SD-18-188 230.25 232.25 2.0 3.74 Minto Mine South
235.9 236.9 1.0 3.57
SD-18-189 148.6 161.1 12.5 0.7 Minto Stockwork
149.0 150.1 1.1 6.13
222.9 223.9 1.0 3.89

*Assay results reported over intersection length. In the Algoma North, Jubilee Shear Zone and the Minto Mine South Zone, the intersection lengths are estimated to be >55% true width. In the Hornblende Shear Zone, the intersection lengths are estimated to be > 90% true width. Additional drilling is required to estimate the true width of the Minto Stockwork composed of numerous veins with different geometries and of the William Gold Zone.

Red Pine’s exploration work includes the ongoing sampling of 42,000 metres of historic core that was never sampled by previous operators of the project, and aggressive drilling campaigns of over 45,000 metres of drilling.  Red Pine has made four discoveries along the extension of the Surluga Deposit: the Surluga North Zone; the Hornblende-William Zone; the Minto Mine South Zone and; the Grace-Darwin Zone. These are part of the Wawa Gold Corridor, a gold-mineralization zone that extends for more than 5 kilometres.

Red Pine’s on-going drill program is designed to potentially expand the size of the existing inferred gold resource and connect the other zones of gold mineralization along the newly-discovered Wawa Gold Corridor. The current program is targeting both the Surluga North discovery and the Minto Mine South Zone discovery.

Brenda Stockton
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