Oct 19, 2017 @ 06:27
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) students continue to approach scores of the provincial standard on the annual Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) standardized tests. These assessments were conducted in the 2016-2017 school year in Grades 3, 6, 9 and 10 and assess reading, writing, and mathematics.
Results from grade 3 testing show a three percent increase in Mathematics and two percent increase in Writing from the previous year. In Reading, the Grade 3 success rate remained steady at 71-percent.
“Early identification of students who are not meeting the standard in Grade 3 is a key for their success in Grade 6. Our educators continue to work diligently to ensure literacy and numeracy are system-wide priorities and continue tracking the progress and achievement of individual students,” said JK to Grade 6 Catholic Curriculum Coordinator, Micaela Mansfield.
In the Grade 6, the Board’s success rate in Reading was 81-percent, an improvement of two-percent from the previous year. The success rate in Writing was 77-percent which was just below the provincial standard. In Mathematics, the Board showed a 35-percent success rate, which was a drop of six percent.
In Grade 9 Mathematics testing, the Board’s applied success rate rose by three-percent from last year. In the academic testing, the Board’s success rate was 69-percent, a drop of three points.
In Grade 10 literacy, students in the Academic level achieved a 91-percent success rate, which is near the provincial average of 92-percent. Students in the Applied level had a 32-percent success rate, which was below the provincial success rate of 44-per cent.
“I do think it is extremely important for parents, students and staff to understand that EQAO is only one tool we use to measure student outcomes”, said Judy Ritza, Grade 7-12 Catholic Curriculum Coordinator.
“In addition, the vast majority of our students who are currently not meeting the provincial standard are very close to where they need to be – that is, they are at the high end of level 2 and approaching the provincial standard (level 3)”.
HSCDSB staff considers a wide range of data, both at the board and school level, which includes, EQAO assessment results, to identify student learning strengths, and to target areas where more focused attention and resources are required.
“We’re pleased to see the tremendous growth of our EQAO results for our students with special education needs – a credit to our dedicated staff and hard-working students. But we also know there is more work to do in other areas,” said Superintendent of Education, Maria Esposito.
“Specifically, through our Renewed Math Strategy, we will continue our focus on mathematics to help raise scores that have declined steadily over the last five years, both provincially and within the HSCDSB,” added Esposito.