Author Archives: Carol Hughes

Time to clean up our tax problems

There’s no doubt tax time can be stressful. Most of us understand there are consequences for cheating on taxes but may not be aware that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) also write off some debt as being uncollectable.  While this doesn’t often make news, the fact that this type of forgiveness was extended on a grand scale this year is ...

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Unpacking the federal budget

The political theatre that overshadowed the delivery of the budget may have helped insulate the government from a more complete reaction to what has been described as an unfocussed attempt to shore up support without allocating enough resources to move important issues toward resolution.  Lost in the commotion was the fact that this is a disappointing budget for Canadians who ...

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Budget misses the mark on important issues for the north

The last federal budget before this October’s election short-changed Northern Ontario, and mostly missed the mark, according to the NDP’s Northern Ontario MPs, Carol Hughes and Charlie Angus. “This is a disappointing budget for Canadians who need help right now to make ends meet,” said Hughes. “This budget is disconnected from most people’s reality and the challenges we are facing ...

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Hughes – Linguistic diversity is strength not an expense line in a budget

This week parliament rose in recognition of the last surviving Mohawk code-talker whose unique language skills helped the allies win World War II.  As the entire chamber celebrated this individual’s remarkable accomplishment, I was struck how our linguistic diversity can be a source of pride that is celebrated in many instances, but can also be a source of contention in ...

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Hughes – Christmas comes early for corporate Canada

Last week’s economic update could have been an opportunity for the government to show it was serious about tackling some persistent issues that can’t seem to gain traction when it comes to federal spending, instead it turned into an early Christmas gift for corporate Canada.  That’s because the government came up with 14.4 billion dollars to write off capital costs.  ...

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Hughes – Hughes recognizes award-wining family doctors

Two award-winning family doctors that practice in Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing were recognized for their achievements in parliament by MP, Carol Hughes. Hughes’ statement noted their accomplishments and also acknowledged the crucial role family doctor’s play in a community’s well-being. “Dr. Lianne Gauvin from Hearst received the Community Teachers of the Year Award from the Ontario College of Family Physicians which recognizes the ...

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Hughes – We can’t abandon safeguards in the justice system

Like so many others, I was deeply saddened to learn the details of Tori Stafford’s tragic demise ten years ago when news coverage of her disappearance, murder, and the subsequent trial of Terri-Lynne McClintic and her accomplice shook Canadians to their foundation.  This autumn, we learned that McClintic had been re-designated as a medium security threat and transferred to a ...

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Despite the promises, veterans still fighting for better service

Recently, I attended a rally on the steps of Parliament organized by veterans suffering from the long-lasting effects of the anti-malarial drug Mefloquinne. It struck me that this is becoming the new normal as veterans are forced to take their struggles with Veterans Affairs to the government themselves. That this problem persists through successive governments shows that, despite many promises ...

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Il est plus facile que jamais d’acheter des produits locaux

Nous avons la chance de vivre dans une région où les aliments locaux sont sains, et rend nos mets si délicieux. La plupart des gens qui en profitent se sentent privilégiés. C’est pourquoi ce printemps, le Parlement a adopté un projet de loi d’initiative parlementaire néodémocrate déclarant le vendredi précédant l’Action de grâces « Journée nationale de l’alimentation locale ». ...

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It’s easier than ever to buy local

We are lucky to live where eating locally means eating well, and including local produce makes our meals as delicious as possible. Most people who take advantage of this option feel fortunate to do so. Which is why this spring, parliament passed an NDP private member’s bill that recognizes the Friday before Thanksgiving every year as “National Local Food Day.” ...

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Child poverty remains a huge problem for Canada

In 1989 parliament unanimously passed a motion calling for the end of child poverty in Canada by the year 2000. That led to the creation of Campaign 2000, a cross-Canada public education movement to build awareness and support for the parliamentary motion and efforts to achieve its goal. One of the main focuses of Campaign 2000’s work is publishing research ...

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