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Over the years since Algoma Ore closed Wawa has been changing into a quiet, rural town. However, with the social distancing restrictions placed upon the community by the risks of spreading COVID-19; Wawa is looking like a ghost town.
Behind the scenes though there is lots of activity. Wawa residents have been using social media to reach out and help, and Wawa-news has offered a free page for businesses and organizations to update their hours and services that are available during this time. Businesses are exploring ways to continue operations in a safe manner.
Several local restaurants have gone to limited hours and providing take-out. You can still get your Timmies fix – only through drive thru though.
Valu-mart is continuing to provide our town with groceries and protecting our residents by reducing the amount of shoppers at a time in the store.
If you stay in – Superior Children’s Centre has created goodie bags that include craft supplies (may contain small buttons), crayons, paper and a play dough recipe for children to make while at home. If you are interested contact Chrystal (705) 971-2218 or Jody (705) 255-0683. If you need books, games, movies contact the Thrift Barn at 705-856-2596.
Wawa-news is also expanding the ‘Morning News’ with different on-line resources to explore. Parents are reminded to monitor their children’s activities online and practice safe surfing.
Remember though that in Wawa, we are blessed with wonderful availability of bush to explore. The snowmobile, snowshoe, and cross country skiing trails all remain open. Sandy Beach or Government Dock Beach offers a stroll for people to enjoy some fresh air and the sights. Maybe it’s time to go outside and enjoy what all the tourists enjoy about our ‘backyard’. You may want to contact Outlaw Tackle and rent an ice hut on Wawa Lake (852-0326)!
Wawa-news will continue to update with information about local closures and availability of services. In the meantime, enjoy the break from our hectic lives and enjoy your family.
- Happenings at Wawa First United- March 13 - March 13, 2025
- Local Labour Market Planning Report 2025 - March 12, 2025
- Wednesday Morning News – March 12 - March 12, 2025