Wednesday Morning News – October 2

Weather – Mainly cloudy. 30 percent chance of showers this morning. Wind becoming northeast 20 km/h gusting to 40 this morning. High 8. UV index 4 or moderate.
Tonight – Partly cloudy. Becoming cloudy before morning. Low plus 1.

News Tidbits – The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation revealed in Gatineau, Quebec ceremony, a banner made of broadcloth fabric, 47 metres long and more than a metre high, displaying the name of each known child and the residential school in which they died. The list of 2,800 names, is the result of years of research into records from governments and churches, which together operated as many as 80 schools across the country over 120 years. A total of 150,000 Indigenous children (from infants to teens) are thought to have spent at least some time in a residential school. The 2,800 to be honoured are those whose deaths and names researchers have been able to confirm. There are another 1,600 who died, but remain unnamed.

The Ontario Province looking for feedback to improve policies, programs and partnerships and increase access to the health benefits of green spaces. The Healthy Parks Healthy People consultation will be open for comment until November 25, 2019.