Wawa Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Ontario!

Jun 19, 2018 @ 08:02


It is almost exactly one year ago that Members of the Superior East OPP Detachments and the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service (SSMPS) held the Wawa Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Ontario in Wawa.


The Ontario Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) is the largest public awareness vehicle and grass-roots fundraiser for Special Olympics.  Known honourably as Guardians of the Flame, law enforcement members and Special Olympics athletes carry the “Flame of Hope” into the Opening Ceremony of local competitions, and into Special Olympics Provincial, National, Regional and World Games.  Worldwide annually, more than 97,000 dedicated and compassionate law enforcement members carry the “Flame of Hope,” symbolizing courage and celebration of diversity uniting communities around the globe.


Yesterday the Torch Run visited Wawa, and the Flame of Hope was carried up Mission Road, Broadway Avenue to the Superior East OPP Detachment Office in the Municipal Offices. The Torch Run will travel around the district. Today, the torch will be carried in Hearst and Kapuskasing. The Torch Run will end in Sault Ste. Marie after 23 events, to lead the International Bridge Walk this Saturday, June 23rd.


The 2019 Special Olympics Ontario Winter Games will be held in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario from January 31st to February 2nd, 2019.


From L-R: Shelly Neufeld, Suzanne Lacasse, Ryan Richardson, Drew Wiggins, Chris Morrison, Megan Corston, and Ashley Nickle. The torch bearer with his feet solidly on the ground is Shaun Beaulieu.

Brenda Stockton
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