Municipality Closes Indoor Ice Rink at MMCC

As of today, the Municipality of Wawa has closed the indoor Ice Rink at the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre. Citing difficulties with the Olympia Ice Resurfacer and in the interest of public safety, the ice has been closed until further notice.

The Olympia Ice Resurfacer is creating an unsafe level of Carbon Monoxide. Staff at the MMCC have been monitoring the situation over the past two weeks and didn’t detect any significant exposure in the Arena. However, Staff have detected unsafe levels of CO within confinement and have determined that operations cannot continue without putting staff and members of the public at risk.

Alex Patterson stated “The Municipality of Wawa considers this a very serious issue and does not take risks when it comes to public or employee safety. Staff are working to correct this issue as soon as possible to ensure that operations can resume at the MMCC. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank the community for your patience and understanding in this matter.”


If there any questions, please contact the Department of Community Services and Tourism.