At last week’s Council Meeting of August 8,
A presentation was heard from Ms. Dalyce Rutland who was asking for a refund on a parking ticket that she had received last winter. She recounted the story of going outside to bring her vehicle into her driveway. Unfortunately, there was a timber wolf in her driveway so she remained inside her residence watching the animal. It was joined by a cougar, and then both animals went towards the Michipicoten High School’s yard. Then the pair was joined by a fox. As a senior citizen, the presence of wildlife was too much, and with concerns for her safety Ms. Rutland left her vehicle on the street overnight. Despite there not being any precipitation that night, nor snow removal – she was ticketed. Going to court and pleading the circumstances was not successful in putting aside the charges and $60 fine. Ms. Rutland then came to Council to ask for a refund on her fine. Council recommended that she bring this issue to the Police Services Board for their attention.
Ms. Rutland also brought forward many difficulties regarding by-law enforcement within the community of Wawa, and how the face of policing has changed since the Wawa Police was disbanded.
Council thanked Ms. Rutland for her presentation, and advised that she should bring her concerns and presentation to the members of the Police Services Board at their next meeting.
In other news: Council received staff reports from CAO Chris Wray and a report from Alex Patterson regarding the Scenic High Falls Project. Council also received reports from Mayor Rody (Activity Report March to July), and Closed Meetings Reports (February to May).
The following by-laws were read and passed:
- By-Law No. 3051-17 – to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 8th day of August, 2017.
- By-Law No. 3052-17 – to delegate authority to provide marriage solemnization services to Mr. Daniel McCoy.
- By-Law No. 3053-17 – to authorize the sale of Municipal Land located at 300 Highway 17 South, Roll No. 57-76-000-007-15503-0000, in the Municipality of Wawa to Mark Hughes and Dawn Hughes.
- By-Law No. 3054-17 – to authorize a Transmission Easement Agreement with Nextbridge Infrastructure for the East-West Tie project on property located at 300 Highway 17 South (PIN 31170-0116).
- By-Law No. 3055-17 – to authorize The Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa to enter into an agreement with J. Provost Contracting Ltd. for the supply of material, labour and equipment necessary for the stabilization of the overflow/drain outlet at the Michipicoten River Village elevated storage tank.
- By-Law No. 3056-17 – to enter into an Agreement with the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation for the Wawa Lake Waterfront Rejuvenation Project (Project #8100268).
- By-Law No. 3057-17 – to amend By-law No. 2821-15 as amended, the Zoning By-law for the Municipality of Wawa with respect to lands located within the Mine Closure Boundary for the former MacLeod Mine in The Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa, District of Algoma.
- By-Law No. 3058-17 – to enter into an encroachment agreement with Bonnie West, owner of property located at 21 Broadway Avenue, and to maintain and use a portion of municipal property located adjacent to the subject land in the Municipality of Wawa and for fixing an annual fee for such privilege.
Council then moved into an in camera session to deal with the following:
- Legal Issue (1 Item) Offer to Purchase Properties – a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Municipal Act, c.25, s.239 (2) (c))
- Legal Issue (1 Item) FOI Requests – a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, if the council, board, commission or other body is the head of an institution for the purposes of that Act (Municipal Act, c.25, s.234 (3) (a))
- Legal Issue (1 Item) CAO Report No. CAO-IC 2017-02 – personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal o local board employees (Municipal Act, c.25, s.239 (2) (b))
- Legal Issue (1 Item) Sale / Lease Possibility – a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Municipal Act, c.25, s.239 (2) (c)).
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