Viking Voices – May 3

May 3, 2017 @ 08:30
Last Thursday afternoon, students of MHS were in the audience for the Rosenath Theatre production of Meet Cute. The actors presented a scenario in which one of the two people expressed liking the other person. Roles were reversed, and then a third scenario was presented in which both showed a liking for each other. The actors engaged the audience in a question and answer period asking students why each of the characters responded in certain ways. The theme was consent and how conversation and social interactions can be misinterpreted if you are not aware of social cues.
On Friday, April 28th MHS staff took the time to feel what it was like to a student in one of Mr. Beland’s shop classes.  There were some nervous teachers as we started up the power tools but everyone stayed safe which is always the number one goal.

Teachers participating in their professional development day, learning how to use some of the tools in Mr Beland’s shop class. Pictured here is a scroll saw.

On Monday, students took part in a bake sale to help support our two senior girls who will represent MHS at the OFSAA badminton finals in Chatham.
This week’s luncheon special on Thursday is pasta and garlic bread. Grade twelve bursary applications are due in to the guidance office and Confederation College will be presenting to grade eleven students this Friday.
Looking forward to next week, the military college will be here doing a presentation on May 8th  and soccer season is upon us!
Thank you to all parents who came out to the Parent Teacher night last Wednesday. If you have any questions about the progress of your child, please call the school to get in touch with your child’s teacher.
Brenda Stockton
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