This year, over 250 Algoma District School Board (ADSB) educators will be working with Jo Boaler, taking her groundbreaking course, “How To Learn Math for Teachers and Parents”. Jo Boaler is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University, and the co-founder of youcubed, a newly designed website created to give teachers and parents the resources and ideas they need to inspire and excite students about mathematics. ADSB was thrilled at the response by staff who signed up for the course, with numbers exceeding expectations (201 teachers and 57 Administrators from both elementary and secondary panels as well as ADSB’s Chair and one Trustee).
During the online, self-paced course, ADSB educators will view lectures featuring Dr. Boaler, interviews with students, cutting edge research ideas, and will take part in peer and self-assessments. The course will explore new research on the way in which K-12 students learn math and will include:
– new brain and learning research;
– teaching strategies for increasing students’ math motivation and achievement;
– interviews with thought leaders such as Carol Dweck & Sebastian Thrun;
– several classroom teaching videos with master teachers such as Cathy Humphreys;
– teaching strategies for increasing students’ number sense and understanding and for making algebra exciting and meaningful;
– teaching strategies for reaching all students and for motivating de-motivated students; and
– research based good practice for assessment and grading.
The course focuses on a range of concepts including knocking down the myths about math (ie: there is no such thing as “math people” and non-math people) and the importance of making mistakes, struggling and persevering. Equipped with new insights, it is expected that participants will return to their classrooms with a newfound ability to transform students’ experiences with math.
Algoma District School Board is pleased to have staff working with Dr. Boaler, whose reputation is known world-wide. She is an analyst for Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) testing in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and author of the first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on mathematics teaching and learning. She is the recipient of a National Science Foundation Presidential Award and the NCSM Kay Gilliland Equity Award (2014) and the author of nine books and numerous research articles. Jo serves as an advisor to several Silicon Valley companies, and has been a White House presenter on girls and STEM.
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