Happenings at Wawa First United – October 9

This Sunday is Thanksgiving, a time to reflect on all the blessings you have had in the past year. Take a moment to think, what was a blessing and what was something you thought was a trial but later found out it was good.

Here is a Thanksgiving Poem by Minnie Klemme.

Horn of Plenty

If I had a horn of plenty to fill, I would take from the field, take from the hill.

I’d not spare the garden its green and gold; I’d ask of the bee; I’d ask of the fold.

Just so does our God, who has mouths to feed-  For the world is hungry, and all have a need- 

As He gives us water and sun and air, Supplying our wants with infinite care.

I do have a horn of plenty to fill, By lending a hand and doing God’s will

All through the summer and into the fall – When the first leaf reddens, and the last geese call.

May God’s horn of plenty fill to the brim, And a day of Thanksgiving be held for Him.



Thanksgiving  Scriptures:   Creation time 6 in the Season of Pentecost

                                         Creation prays: Weep with me! Dance with me!

Joel 2:21-27   Do not fear, O soil, for God will provide

Psalm 126     Those who sow in tears reap in joy.

1 Timothy 2:1-7  Offer prayers for everyone

Matthew 6:25-33  Do not worry about what you will eat or drink.


Prayer Shawl group will meet Sat. Oct 12 in the Family Room, All knitters and crocheters welcome.


October 11-12 – Yom Kippur

October 16-23 – Sukkot

October 16 – World Food Day

October 17- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

October 18 – Persons Day

United Church

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