Genesis 15:1-12,17-18 God seals the covenant with Abram and Sarai
So often these days, conversations about a congregation’s future, circle round the lack of children. We are as childless as Abraham and Sarah in their old age. Years earlier, God had promised them that they would have children. None had shown up. God spoke into the emptiness of their childlessness: “Don’t be afraid, Your reward will be very great.”
Abraham didn’t pretend to believe. “What use are your promises as long as I am childless?” God just repeated the promise: “Your descendants will be as many as the stars in the sky.”
Finally, Abraham chose to trust the promise rather that the evidence. God declared that Abraham’s trust and courage was the bedrock of the relationship between them. Even so, it would be many years before God’s promise was kept. Living in hope and faith does not mean that everything will go our way. Yet, even when the future looks impossible, God is still actively at work in God’s creation, moving us toward God’s salvation. We live in alert expectation that God will do what God had promised. Faith is letting God do it in God’s way and in God’s time..
Creation connection:
In “How to Be Caught by the Holy Spirit.” Stanley Hauerwas tells us that nature is a character in God’s story, a story about God caring for the world. As followers of Jesus, we are to be witnesses to that caring as well. (see ABC Religion and Ethics, November 14,2013; Used with permission the Gathering Lent/Easter 2025 p12
Sunday, March 23, Lent 3
Scriptures: Isaiah 55:1-9 Come, buy wine and milk without money!
1 Corinthians 10:1-13 God will not let you be tested beyond your strength
Luke 13:1-9 The parable of the barren fig tree.
We will be joining St. John’s United in Marathon (internet) for our service this Sunday. You are most welcome to join us in worship.
Lay Leader: Maria
The Prayer Shawl group will meet on Sat. March 29 at 3 pm in the Family Room at First United. You are welcome to come and enjoy the fellowship of knitting. Wool, needles and crochet hooks are available if needed.
The Cross of Lights will again be placed on the front of the church beginning Palm Sunday. If you would like a bulb in memory of someone special, please contact Maria Reid (705-856-2861) Cost is $5. per bulb.
March 20 – Spring Equinox
March 21 -UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
March 21 – World Down Syndrome Day
March 21 – World Poetry Day
March 21 – International Day of Forests
March 22 – World Water Day
- Happenings at Wawa First United Church – March 19 - March 19, 2025
- Wednesday Morning News – March 19 - March 19, 2025
- Tuesday Morning News – March 18 - March 18, 2025