Holiday season 2024

A tremendous donation was received, $10,000! That donation alone would probably stuff 3-4 cruisers, maybe more!

As in year’s past, the beginning of December marks the beginning of resident’s preperation for Christmas. Decorations popping up in stores and windows, homes begin to glow with lights and blow-up symbols of the holidays to come.

The seasonal events begin too. In Wawa, a custom began years ago, some 60 years or more – The Christmas Hamper. They (the hampers) help the less fortunate have a bright day with a holiday meal and small gifts for children. Every hamper is filled and delivered by dedicated volunteers. To help fill over 100 hampers each year, two big events are planned and held.

One first event is the Annual Fill A Sleigh hosted at the Red Apple Store. Our emergency services, firefighters, police officers, and paramedics join together and stuff a cruiser (that stands in for a sleigh) or more with donations from the public. Santa of course, arrived via fire truck, and stayed to visit and take photos with the kids!

Later that day, the Bundle Up Market was held at the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre providing an opportunity for last-minute local artisan-crafted gifts.

The next day the second event, the Wawa Fire Department and students from Saint Augustine School cruised the streets of Wawa picking up donations of non-perishable food items for the hampers. $1,920 in cash and 3 half-ton pickup loads of food were donated by the generous residents of Wawa.

The next weekend, the Annual Christmas Parade with more than 30 floats made their way down Broadway and Mission Road to the Community Centre where the Mayor and her Council hosted hot chocolate, and a small bonfire was enjoyed by many.

The second last event of the holiday season was the Festival of Lights with 15 homes in Wawa and 5 in the Mission. Many homes in Hawk Junction participated in their Festival of Lights.

Unfortunately, the last event of the season, the Annual Ice Candle Celebration Day at the Woodland Cemetery has been postponed until January 18th, 2025 because of the warm temperatures this year.

Thank you to all the volunteers, emergency services and people who make these events happen, and make Christmas Bright in Wawa!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!

Brenda Stockton
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