We Scare Hunger Campaign Results – 2024

Northern Lights Ford had one of the most successful We Scare Hunger campaigns to date! On Monday, November 4th, two F-150’s dropped off non-perishable food items to our local Wawa Community Food Bank.  A cheque for $2010.25 was also presented to the volunteers at the food bank.  Our goal was to fill three F-150’s so, we met our target! Thank you to Mme. Lynne Burnham along with her grade 11/12 chemistry class at Ecole Saint Joseph, Bruce & Debbie Banks, Diane Smart, Ulo Pihelgas, and Justine Glover for their help to unload the trucks.

A huge thank you to the following for their donations.  Hearing Life from Sault Ste. Marie, Alamos Gold Inc, and students at Michipicoten High School. We were able to be on location at John’s Your Independent Grocer on October 12 and 26 to collect donations.

We continue to be supported by so many organizations and individuals each year.  Thank you to Brenda at wawa-news.com, Rick, Kerry and staff at JJAM-FM, John’s Independent Your Grocer, Doris Zagar, Michel Albert, all those who made donations.

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