Discover Lake Superior Provincial Park (Wednesday & Thursday Events)

Lake Superior Provincial Park is is one of Ontario’s largest provincial parks in Ontario, covering about 1,550 square kilometres along the northeastern shores of Lake Superior between Sault Ste. Marie and Wawa. There are many things to do in the park, but one of the highlights are the learning opportunities that park staff present to visitors throughout the summer.

  • Wednesday, August 14
    • Drop-in: 10:00 PM – 12:00 PM Visitor Centre, Agawa Bay
      MEET THE NATURALIST: MOTH MADNESS – It’s a bee! It’s a leaf! Wait, it’s a… moth? Moths have an impressive closet of disguises, filled with patterns and colours. Join Emma to learn how the mindboggling diversity of moths has been shaped by their friends and foes.
  • Thursday, August 15
    • Drop-in: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Visitor Centre, Agawa Bay
      MEET THE NATURALIST: COASTAL CARNIVOROUS PLANTS – Life on Lake Superior’s coastline is no
      walk in the park! Despite their seemingly delicate nature, many carnivorous plants have adapted to
      survive on the harsh, exposed rocks of the shoreline. Join Andrew and explore how these plants have
      developed the ability to trap and feed on insect prey.
    • Drop-in: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Visitor Centre, Agawa Bay
      MEET THE NATURALIST: CLEVER CORVIDS – Are you smarter than a Crow? What about a Raven?
      Blue Jay? Canada Jay? Known for their intelligence and importance to LSPP, join Wylan to discover
      some of the most brilliant birds and try your hand at some tests to see if you are, in fact, smarter than a
    • Drop-in: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Visitor Centre, Agawa Bay
      EXPLORATION STATION: TREES – Every tree has a story to tell. To “hear” it, all you need to do is pay
      attention. Touch their bark, count their branches, and listen to the whisper of their leaves. Join
      Surakchya and take a moment to pause and appreciate their presence, their gifts, and the feelings they
      inspire. Record and celebrate your discoveries in the nature journal provided. All ages welcome.

Please note that guided hikes will be cancelled in the event of thunderstorms. All other programming will be moved indoors to the Visitor Centre in the event of inclement weather. All children must be accompanied by their guardians.