Wawa Youth Flown to London – GoFundMe launched for support

A Wawa resident is currently in London hospital after a life-threatening accident yesterday, July 17th. Chance Smedts was flown to London with his stepmom, Kari. Chance has a severely broken leg, a broken pelvis and broken jaw (in two places)… He has already had one surgery and will be having more.

Family friend, Debbie Banks is hoping to raise some funds as it is going to be extremely expensive to stay there, rooms, food, parking costs, etc.

His mom, explains what happened yesterday, “On July 17th at approximately 11:30 am, Chance was riding his dirt bike and was in an accident with another vehicle. He was immediately brought to the LDHC and lost a lot of blood. He was sedated and intubated to protect his broken jaw and secure an airway. Chance’s jaw is broken in 2 places, and his leg is broken in several locations and bleeding. We were flown to London’s Victoria hospital that afternoon. In the wee hours of July 18 at 12 a.m. Chance was whisked away for his first surgery. He had a rod put into his thigh and had two facsiotomis to relieve pressure in his lower leg. This happens when the tourniquets have been left on for a long time. He remains sedated and intubated until his jaw surgery which will happen in the next 36 hours. Thank you all for your love and support.”

If you would like to support Chance click the link (https://www.gofundme.com/f/chance-smedts-medical-fundraiser)


Brenda Stockton
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