Sorry About the Murder…

“Sorry About The Murder” a Canadian-themed murder mystery/comedy podcast and brainchild of former Wawa resident, Drew Frohmann dropped last Friday, May 17.


Residents of Wawa may remember the WA2 t-shirts, and the beautiful murals in the MHS Gymnasium. Since leaving Wawa, Drew has created TA2 Sound + Music, and creates advertising campaigns, podcasts and works as a voice talent.

“Anyone who grew up in small town Canada knows our unique mix of quaint politeness and casual violence,” says Drew Frohmann, creator of Sorry About The Murder. “A murder mystery was a fun way to explore those two sides of our Canadian-ness. ‘Sorry About The Murder’ is the story of how Zamboni driver Gaëtan “Frenchie” Arsenault solves a very grisly murder in the nice little Canadian town of Beavermount, Ontario.”


It is fun listening to Gaëtan try to dial the rotary phone for the police, and hear about the cruller the officer is eating. Only two episodes have dropped so far, but I’ve had a few chuckles while listening to them, and am awaiting more to listen to.


You can find the podcasts on a variety of platforms by clicking this link




Brenda Stockton
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One comment

  1. I’ve listened to the episodes twice, it is so good, entertaining, relatable, full of cliches stereotypes. I mean, how many podcasts do you hear the mention of stubby beer bottles?
    Episodes are short so you can find 10 minutes in your day to listen.