Canadian Navigable Waters Act
Alamos Gold Inc hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans.
Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act,
Alamos Gold Inc has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Common Project Search Registry ( under the NPP File Number 2024-411557 a description of the following work, its site and plans:
- Brief Project Description:
- The raw-water intake will be placed along the lake bed (21m) of Goudreau Lake to supply the mine with approximately 100m3/d of water for domestic use. The intake will consist of 2 suction lines of 80mm high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, extending from the pump house. The lines will be supported by ballast weights spaced every 3m (totalling 5 ballast weights, each rising 0.3m above the lakebed) and an end support (which will rise 1.3m off the lakebed)
- Brief Project Description:
- The pipes from the pump house to the shoreline are designed to be approximately 14 m in length, buried and insulated. In the lake, the pipes will be on lake bed, retained by concrete ballast weights on the lakebed spaced every 3 m in a total distance of 21 m approximately; therefore, it does not extend vertically.
- The specific methodology for the installation of this intake is provided by the contractor and will generally consist of:
- An initial drilling of a 5” pilot hole to confirm subsurface conditions and pipeline alignment
- A widening of pilot hole with a 10” drill bit and/or reamer
- Connection of HDPE pipe and installation through the drilled opening in, on, over, under, through or across Goudreau Lake at UTM Zone 16U E: 691368.16; N: 5351927.54 / Long -84.419917 Lat 48.291588 in front of lot number Alamos Gold Inc. Claim # SSM991856.
Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search by the above referenced number) or if you do not have access to the internet, by sending your comments directly to:
Navigation Protection Program – Transport Canada
100 S Front St, 1st Floor
Sarnia ON
N7T 2M4
Transport Canada (TC) will not make your comments on a project available to the public on the online public registry. However, any information related to a work is considered as unclassified public record and could be accessible upon legal request. As such, the information and records provided should not contain confidential or sensitive information. If you want to provide confidential or sensitive information that you think should not be made public, please contact TC before submitting it.
However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing (electronic means preferable) and are received not later than 30 days after the publication of the last notice. Although all comments conforming to the above will be considered, no individual response will be sent.
Posted at Dubreuilville & Wawa, Ontario this 15 day of April, 2024.
Alamos Gold Inc
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