St. Monica’s Church – 1st Sunday of Lent

MEDITATION by Father Duolomane (Joe)

Jesus had just been baptized. Driven by the Spirit into the desert, he was tempted by Satan. For a child, being tempted means wanting to do what the parents have forbidden”: eating jam or sweets… For adults, being “tempted” generally means doing things that are forbidden by the law.

In the Gospel, there is a direct link between Jesus’ temptation and his baptism. This is why, in the Bible, temptation is about “faith” in God. The real temptation is linked to “baptism”, it’s a temptation that concerns believers, the temptation of the “sons of God”. It is the temptation that Jesus asks us to overcome when we recite the prayer of “Our Father” every day. We must understand that human life on earth is a life of struggle (Job 7:1). Aware of our weakness, let’s take care not to enter into temptation, let’s pray and let’s avoid opportunities to be tempted.

St. Augustine and Ecole Saint Joseph Schools are working with students and families for First Communion, Confirmation and Confirmation.  Plans are underway to have a student choir at the Easter Mass.

The Church is starting to plan Schedules of Mases and Programs for the Easter Season.  Easter Sunday is March 31st this year.

Schedule for Masses & Mass Intentions for February 17-25

Saturday 17 7:00 pm In memory of the birthday of Shirley Sloan by Willard Sloan.
Sunday 18 9:00 am For the repose of Jeanne D’Arc Berthiaume by Geri Plecash.
Monday 19 NO MASS.
Tuesday 20 7:00 pm Mass at Rectory.
Wednesday 21 7:00 pm For the repose of Msgr. Normand Clement by a Parishioner.
Thurday 22 7:00 pm Mass at Rectory.
Friday 23 11:00 am Mass at LDHC -Extended Care.
Saturday 24 7:00 pm For the repose of Arthur Rutland by Anne Zamolo.
Sun 25 9:00 am In Memory of Parishioners & Friends of St. Monica’s Parish.






St. Monica's RC Church