St. Monica’s Church – Passion or Palm Sunday

MEDITATION by Father Duolomane (Joe)

Luke 24, 35-48

The sudden appearance of Jesus in the midst of the disciples disturbed their spirits. Jesus immediately reassured them, saying “Peace be with you”. In the midst of our difficulties, distress and anguish, Jesus says to us “Peace be with you”, be full of confidence, I have overcome the world (Jn 16:33).

Let us pray for peace to troubled and bruised hearts, peace to divided families, peace in our homes, peace in our places of leisure and service, peace with our friends, our co-workers, our workers, our children, peace with everyone.

The resurrection of Jesus is not spiritual but bodily: the disciples were able to touch him and see him eat. His body bears the mark of the nails, testimony to the passion. Jesus reassures the terrified disciples. If we are to be witnesses to Christ’s resurrection, we must show the world our hands and feet marked by works of love, works of mercy, works that promote the well-being of all.

Parish News:

Our thoughts go out to the Trovarello Family on the passing of Stella Trovarello, a long-time resident of Wawa and parishioner at St. Monica’s Parish.

E-transfer:  has been re-enabled at [email protected] This can be used for weekly donations as well as for Mass Card(s), In Memoriam, and donations for other special occasions.

Mass Schedule

Sat 13 7:00 pm For the repose of Hermance Menard by Geri Plecash.
Sun 14 9:00 am For the repose of Jeanne D’Arc Berthiaume by Suzanne Jarrell.
Mon 15   NO MASS
Tue 16 7:00 pm For the repose of Barry Simon by Margaret Simon.
Wed 17 7:00 pm For the repose of Msgr. Normand Clement by a Parishioner.
Thur 18 7:00 pm Mass at St. Monica’s.
Fri 19 11:00 am LDHC – Extended Care.
Sat 20 7:00 pm For the repose of Jeanne D’Arc Berthiaume by Geri Plecash.
Sun 21 9:00 am For the repose of Maggi Martin by Ron & Lina Rody.
St. Monica's RC Church