Municipal Election October 24, 2022
Have you thought about running for Council?
Nominations for the municipal election will open on May 2, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. and close on August 19, 2022 at 2 p.m.
Nomination papers will be available at the Municipal Offices, 40 Broadway Avenue Wawa, and the Municipal website ( for those persons wishing to seek a position on Municipal Council or school board.
The filing fee must be paid when you file your nomination paper and the payment must be:
- cash or debit card
- certified cheque or money order payable to “Municipality of Wawa”
Candidate Filing Fees:
- Mayor – $200.00
- Councillor – $100.00
- Trustee, School Board – $100.00
Two pieces of identification must be presented, showing name, qualifying address and signature.
To be eligible to be nominated, a person must:
- reside in Municipality of Wawa (or are the owner or tenant of land or the spouse of an owner or tenant).
- be a Canadian citizen;
- be at least 18 years old; and
- not be prohibited from voting, by reason of;
- serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution;
- being a corporation;
- being an executor or trustee;
- being a person convicted of a corrupt practice described in the Municipal Elections Act;
- or a former candidate in the 2018 election who failed to file financial statements.
Before incurring any expenses or collecting any money, candidates must file a nomination form along with the filing fee with the Clerk or designate.
Nomination forms must be signed by the candidate and filed in person or by an agent with the Clerk or designate.
A two-hour Candidate Training Session presented by the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing will be held by zoom at 6 p.m. on April 26, 2022:
Topics to be covered include: an overview of the responsibilities set out in legislation for candidates/third-party advertisers and a general overview of the roles and responsibilities of members of Council.
For further information regarding the upcoming Municipal Election, please contact Ms. Cathy Cyr, Clerk, at 705- 856-2244, extension 222, or Ms. Maury O’Neill, Deputy Clerk, at 705-856-2244, extension 223.
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