The Wawa Drag Race Committee have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2022 Drag Races.
This is due to several factors, but most importantly the realities of COVID have made planning, funding, and organizing large events extremely difficult. The Drag Race Committee has lost several members over the past 2 years, and without additional volunteers coming forward to spend the countless hours it takes to organize an event like this, it is not possible. Additionally, a lack of sponsorship due to the economic situation, the uncertainty of the status of the situation in August, and the negative perception of events that specifically target visitors from outside the Algoma Public Health Unit were all factors in the committee’s decision.
It is important to understand that without our community’s support, this race is not possible. In the coming months, if members in our community are interested in this event’s continued success, we ask that you please contact a current committee member to ask how you can help. Events of this scale take months to organize and plan, and without a dedicated team of several community members, it would not be possible. We would like to thank all past and present members for their hard work on making this race a weekend that many look forward to.
We understand that this may be disappointing to some, and it has been a very difficult time for many in our communities. We look forward to getting back to racing with everyone in the future.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
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