Does YOUR community, region, or organization have a great idea for a marketing or attraction video? How about an anti-racism or welcoming community message? If you do, you should enter your proposal to the Make Your Pitch 2 contest!
Northern Policy Institute and its partners, the Northwestern Ontario Local Immigration Partnership, the Sudbury LIP, the Sault Ste. Marie LIP, and Réseau du Nord will be making available five $2,500 prizes to support the creation of community videos to encourage retention, attraction, reconciliation, settlement, welcoming, anti-racism, or anti-discrimination.
The video proposals should answer the following questions:
- What is your overall theme or vision?
- How do you propose to keep the viewer interested and engaged in your content?
- What will be the main message/takeaway you wish to have viewers leave with?
- How will your theme or main message compliment other messaging or branding from across Northern Ontario?
- How will you use this video to leverage other community efforts or resources?
The competition is open to any community of less than 25,000 people. The first three categories will be thematic:
- Attraction/Settlement/Retention
- Reconciliation
- Welcoming/Anti-racism/anti-discrimination
The other two categories will be able to cover any of the themes above but will be targeted as follows:
- Francophone
- Multi-community proposal (three or more communities in partnership, each individually less than 25,000 in population)
Submissions must be received at [email protected] by September 30th, 2021 at midnight eastern time.
The winning videos will be presented at the next Magnetic North conference scheduled for February 2022.
- Saturday Morning News – February 22 - February 22, 2025
- Friday Morning News – February 21st - February 21, 2025
- Thursday Morning News – February 20 - February 20, 2025