Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. has announced results from the ongoing underground exploration drilling program at the Company’s wholly-owned Eagle River Mine in Wawa, Ontario.
Although exploration drilling is currently operating at a reduced capacity due to COVID-19 restrictions, three underground drills and one surface drill are in operation. One drill continues to better define and extend the down plunge extension of the Falcon 7 Zone. The Falcon 7 Zone was originally discovered from surface drilling located in volcanic rocks approximately 200 metres (“m”) west of the mine diorite (see press release dated June 6, 2019). It is interpreted that the Falcon 7 Zone now extends from surface down a steep easterly plunge approximately 1,000 m and is part of the up plunge extension of the 7 Zone currently being mined near the 1,000 m elevation.
The current drilling is focused near a previous hole that returned 314 g/t Au over 6.0 m (see press release dated July 8, 2019). This drilling was completed from the 772 m elevation that was established to test the down plunge extension of the Falcon Zone. Since that time, additional mine development has been completed on 622 m elevation to allow for drilling, and is now within 50 m in the footwall of the Falcon 7 Zone.
Highlights of the recent drilling are listed below and summarized in Table 1.
- Hole 622-E-02: 51.3 g/t Au over 1.8 m core length (38.2 g/t Au cut, 1.5 m true width)
- Hole 622-E-11: 18.6 g/t Au over 12.5 m core length (18.4 g/t Au cut, 8.0 m true width)
- Hole 622-E-12: 56.8 g/t Au over 1.8 m core length (42.9 g/t Au cut, 1.5 m true width)
Assays capped at 125 g/t Au. True widths are estimated.
Mr. Duncan Middlemiss, President and CEO commented, “We continue to be pleased with our ongoing exploration drilling of the Falcon 7 Zone that continues to return high grades. With nearby development already established on the 772 and 622 m elevations, it is becoming more apparent that these zones will have the potential to be included in future mine production and ultimately augmenting production rates in the medium term. We expect to define mineral resources and reserves from the Falcon 7 Zone that will be released as part of our end of year resource and reserve statement. Additional drilling in this area continues to be a priority for the remainder of 2020. We have also commenced our surface fly drilling program with one drill in operation to test regional exploration targets.”
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