After many years of serving the local community as a volunteer, and after hearing from countless Métis citizens, Mitch Case has put his name forward to become the Region 4 Councillor on the Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario.
“When your elders encourage you to do something, in our culture, you don’t say no. So many of our elders here locally, and across the Métis Nation have encouraged me to take this step, and so I am putting my name forward. I have been a volunteer for the region for 15 years, and my experience on the Provisional Council for the last eight years gives me the knowledge and skills to effectively represent our region” says Case.
In the week since the campaign was launched, there has been a wave of support from Métis elders, men, women, youth, business owners and harvesters, in the Sault and along the North Shore. “This campaign isn’t about me, it’s about what’s best for our region” said Case.
“I am putting forward a bold plan to advance our region. The Métis Nation of Ontario has achieved so much in the past; a renewed harvesting agreement, significant investments in Métis businesses and recognition of our right to self-government. It is up to us now to take those hard fought victories and make them part of our citizens’ lives; together, and with strong, clear, competent leadership, we can achieve so much” said Case. He continued, “These next four years, we will have the chance to develop our own constitution, push forward on our historic grievances for wrongs committed against our community; including the failed promises of the Crown in 1850 and the burning of our village in Agawa Bay in 1967. There is a lot of work to do to strengthen our community as whole, but I know I am prepared for the job.
“I am particularly interested in hearing from citizens in communities where we do no currently have a council, such as Wawa, White River, and Hawk Junction on how we can better provide services and better involve these communities in decision making for the region”
Case brings a wealth of experience, including 15 years of volunteer service to the Métis communities in the region, eight years as a member of the Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario and the Métis National Council General Assembly. Case has served on numerous committees, including the MNO Resolutions Committee, Economic Development Committee, and the Métis Nation Education Committee. Case also brings years of senior leadership experience in Indigenous Post-Secondary education and is known across the Métis Nation for his traditional Métis beadwork.
Case has been recognized for his dedication and commitment to the Metis Nation on many occasions, including being awarded the Young Medal for Volunteers by Lt. Gov. David Onley, Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteerism by Gov. General Julie Payette, Alumni Achievement Award by Algoma University, the Suzanne Rochon-Burnette Volunteer of the Year Award by the Métis Nation of Ontario and the Indigenous Professional of the Year Award by the Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce. “I have been recognized many times for my commitment and dedication to our Métis community, the same drive, determination and skill that led to those recognitions, are what I will bring to the table in representing our citizens” he promises.
Numerous volunteers have stepped up and are making calls, emailing and using social media to promote the campaign.
To volunteer, or to learn more contact Mitch at [email protected] by phone or text at 705-297-0084.
To view the platform, visit
The website will be updated regularly with new information, endorsements, events etc.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, MNO Election 2020 will be conducted entirely online or by phone, allowing every MNO citizen the ability to vote from the safety of their own home.
Polls are open as of May 5th, 2020 and will close on June 1st.
Registering Online is easy, simply visit
You will be asked to provide your MNO Citizenship Number, your date of birth and an email address. You can also register by phone by calling 1.855.458.5888.
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