last updated – Mar 26, 2020 at 09:33
Changes due to COVID-19 in community events, businesses for residents of Wawa and the area. This article was begun March 14, 2020 at 08:25:51. If you would like your notice added to this list, please contact [email protected] The Lady Dunn Health Centre has information about COVID-19 – click this link to read.
To see the Business Listings CLICK HERE.
Updated – Mar 26, 2020 at 09:33
All Homemade Catering – We will not be opening as we are no longer able to provide delivery services to our customers.
We will be open as soon as things improve stay safe everyone!
Mar 26, 2020 at 7:43
All Homemade Catering – To all our valued customers, we will be open this week, but we have a few new rules for ordering
1. Please pay with your credit cards online if possible, cash must be placed in a sealed bag you must have exact amount no change will be provided.
2. For Delivery pick a spot outside by your door or in a car port were we can leave your pizza, delivery person will contact you when they arrive and are back in there car so no one is in contact with each other.
3. For pickup call us when you arrive we will place your pizza on a outside table after we have left you may exit your vehicle and grab your pizza and leave cash if you choose to pay cash.
4. No one is allowed into our kitchen even the delivery drivers will not be allowed to enter our kitchen, we have a sign on the door and will be keeping the door locked.
Anyone not following these rules will not have pizza!
Mar 26, 2020 at 07:12
North of 17 – We now have TAP available.
With respect to social distancing, North of 17 Restaurant will only be open for take out and delivery (utilizing our local cab company) from 4:30pm-8:00pm Tuesday- Saturday. Closed Sunday and Monday. Menu
Please call 705-856-0180 during our hours listed above to place your order.
To all of our customers-thank you for your continued support and stay healthy. We are in this together.
Hello from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, we are still going strong but during this self isolation anyone who have had babies can still PM me and I can still input new registrations. If you did fill out a registration at the Wawa EarlyON Child & Family Centre in March please contact Cathy Cannon, as I have some questions. Thanks and Stay Safe
March 24, 2020 at 17:27
Wawa Family Health Team – Dear Patients, as we try to work out the kinks of virtual appointments please note that your health care providers MAY be calling you from home. “Unknown name or unknown number” may come up on your phone. Please make sure you are picking up around the time of your appointment. Thank you.
Regional Employment Help Centre – Office Closure. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, our office is temporarily closed. Please contact us for service via email only [email protected] and we will respond as soon as possible. We will not be answering the phones.
We are trying to maintain remote servicing to customers as best we can during these difficult times.
Wagging Tails Kennel & Store – With the ever changing level of the Covid 19 virus we are making a few temporary adjustments.
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY we will NOT be taking in boarders until this scare has passed, if you have already made a booking we will be in touch with you to cancel.
STORE HOURS will be changing as well. Starting Wednesday March 25 our reduced store hours will be 12 p.m. until 6 p.m. daily.
We are sorry if this has caused any inconvenience for people but we hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
Tara Coles – Lashes and waxing and all the other stuff I do to make you ladies beautiful is on hold till further notice.
Bob’s Garage – As an essential business; Bob’s Garage has chosen to stay open. We do however request that for Our safety and the safety of others that you please observe the current Isolation guidelines. We are more then happy to help in these times but ask that you use your best judgement and not venture out for frivolous things. As technicians we are subjected to touching your door handles, gear shifters, seat belts, and steering wheel, to list a few. This puts us at a higher risk. Thank you for your patients at this time. Be smart and stay safe.
Subway – Phone orders and take out is still available. We highly encourage phone and online ordering. As well as debit and credit rather then cash. Our hours will be from 8am-9pm daily. Stay fresh:)
Mar 23, 2020 at 20:18
Beachfront Trading Post – As all non-essential businesses of Ontario are ordered to close by Tuesday March 24 midnight due to the corona virus pandemic, we have decided to close our bait shop doors until further notice. We understand that there’s a few weeks of ice fishing left, but we feel that the safety of our family and our customers is our top priority . Sorry for the inconvenience . Stay safe and we hope to have your continued support once we all get through this hard time. Richard & Connie
Wagging Tails Kennel & Store – With the ever changing level of the Covid 19 virus we are making a few temporary adjustments. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY we will NOT be taking in boarders until this scare has passed, if you have already made a booking we will be in touch with you to cancel. STORE HOURS will be changing as well. Starting Wednesday, March 25 our reduced store hours will be 12 p.m. until 6 p.m. daily.
We are sorry if this has caused any inconvenience for people but we hope everyone stays safe and healthy
Embassy Restaurant – To our valued customers, we are sorry to inform you’se that due to the COVID 19 pendemic we will be closing. Looking foward to seeing everyone again once we are allowed to reopen. For now, stay safe and take care everyone.
Mar 23, 2020 at 09:34
To assist in keeping our community healthy, Wawa Home Building Centre has modified store hours as follows:
Monday to Friday 9 am – 5 pm
Saturday 9 am – 4:30 pm
Sunday Closed
Please be mindful of social distancing.
If you are feeling unwell, please stay at home.
If you are in need of a delivery that does not require you visiting in-store, we encourage you to call in your order to 705-856-2218. We can also be reached via email at [email protected]
We appreciate your support and patience during this time of uncertainty.
Robb and Angela
I need everyone’s help in spreading a message to our community, as it is obvious in the last few days that many are missing the message and information given by our Canadian Government and Algoma Public Health. I am sure every business that has remained open would appreciate this message to be communicated to all as well.
- Please stop panic buying, buy only what you need for one week, and we will have lots for everyone.
- Do not shop more than once or twice a week, Stop coming in daily. Stop coming in more than once a day.
- Please shop by yourself. Don’t bring your kids, spouse, family or friends with you. There is a limited amount of people allowed in the store at one time.
- We limit the amount of shoppers allowed in the store at one time for your safety and ours, the number changes all the time.
- You will notice markers on the floor at the front end, this is to maintain a 6 foot distance between customers lined up at the registers. Also to give people a visual of the distance you should be maintaining in the aisles, and other areas of the store, including outside while waiting to enter.
- Do not come to the store if you are feeling unwell.
- Please take the time to read the posted signs.
- Be kind and respectful.
The best thing you can do to help, is to stay home. Please practice staying in and social distancing.
At this time, our hours are:
- Monday to Saturday 9am-10am for Seniors only
- Monday to Saturday 10am-5pm for the General Public
- Sunday 10am-4pm for the General Public
Hours are subject to change at any time
Every little bit helps to keep you, our staff, and our community safe. This should be everyone’s goal together.
John and I would also like to thank our amazing staff. Thank you for coming in every day, thank you for working tirelessly to stock our shelves, thank you for serving our customers, and thank you for maintaining a clean and safe environment for our community.
Thank you,
John and Sabrina
Mar 22, 2020 at 09:43
The Roxy Bowling Centre will be closed permanently until we feel it is safe to open again this included take out as well sorry for any inconvenience stay safe !!
Mar 20, 2020 at 11:49
– Harvey’s and Swiss Chalet is offering for the next week that (Friday, March 20th until Friday, March 27th), all Canadian Government Healthcare workers and First Responders (Police, Fire, Paramedics) will receive 50% off their orders when ordering take-out or drive-thru. In Wawa, Tim Hortons is offering ONLY to our paramedics, OPP and truckers for whom Drive Thru is not an option – Backdoor Timmies VIP’s. Place a mobile order on the Tim Hortons App & we will meet you at the backdoor to deliver. We got you covered Team!
– Ontario VQA wineries (95 in Ontario) are offering free shipping to Ontarians, with most offers extended until Easter Weekend including April 13th, 2020. Click here for the list of wineries offering free shipping and for the most up-to-date winery information visit
– Congratulations to Corby Spirit and Wine Limited & Walkerville Hiram Walker & Sons Distillery in Windsor who are now producing hand sanitizer. They typically distill 180,000 litres of alcohol every day, but today are adding hand sanitizer to its production line.
Mar 20, 2020 at 11:17
– The Wawa Public Library is offering, at this time, a Library Card to anyone who does not have one. With the Library Card you can access an amazing selection of E-books and Audiobooks. If you are interested please call 705-856-2244 ext 290 or email [email protected] and provide name and contact information and we will give you your card number. When the Covid-19 threat is over you can come in and get your Library Card.
Mar 19, 2020 at 08:41
Bob Amos’s gym in the Lions Club building is closed. Memberships will be extended accordingly.
Mar 18, 2020 at 11:37
– North of 17 restaurant will be closed for in house dining until further notice. Take out orders available beginning Wednesday, March 18th 11am-1pm, 5pm-8pm with a limited menu. Closed Sundays and Mondays. We will be offering delivery through our local cab company! Call 705-856-0180 during our hours listed above to place your order!
Mar 18, 2020 at 11:05
– In support of the efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19, Black Thunder Enterprises will remain open through window service only. At this time customers are being asked to come to the front window to make their purchases. I will gladly package your items from the store. We promote social distancing and also ask that if you have any symptoms please refrain from coming to black thunder out of respect for our staff, customers and community. We thank our valued customers for your understanding and helping us do our part. Thank you, Lisa & Marcel
Mar 17, 2020 at 22:57
– Wawa Dental Centre will be closed till April 6th,2020. Will see only emergencies as needed. Will update as we know more. Thank you
Mar 17, 2020 at 22:11
– The Roxy Bowling Centre will be open tomorrow from 12-7 for takeout and are taking 1 hour bookings for lanes, 2 groups per hour up to 6 ppl a lane. Message/call us to book. They are working closely with APH and have come up with a plan to protect our valued customers. Thank you for your patience during this time.
– Tim Hortons – To Our Valued Guests: For the health & well being of our Storefront Team Members and our Guests we will be offering DRIVE THRU SERVICE ONLY until further notice. Effective: 10pm Tonight (Tuesday March 17, 2020)
– The Embassy Restaurant will reopen on Thursday morning for take out orders only, from 7am – 9am, 11:30am- 1:30pm and 5pm -7:30pm. N0 in house service. Hours May change depending on customer needs and government regulations. If you are ill, please do not come in.
Orders can be placed in the restaurant or by calling ahead.
– Black Thunder Enterprises – We are open on a day to day basis but we may close due to the current situation.
Mar 17, 2020 at 18:58
– Children’s Aid Society of Algoma: Restricted to employees, couriers, persons with appointments and anyone reporting child protection concerns. Meetings, events and conferences are cancelled. Concerns about children and youth can still be reported. Call 705-856-2960.
– The Algoma District Service Administration Board (ADSAB) Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) Plan is an outcomes-based program that aims to prevent and end homelessness by improving access to adequate, suitable, and affordable housing and homelessness services for people experiencing homelessness and for people at-risk of homelessness.
Through the CHPI program, Superior Children’s Centre has the ability to help low-income families and our local food bank with the necessities needed during this time.
If you find yourself and your family in need during this time please contact Chrystal at (705) 971-2218 or Jody at (705) 255-0683.
Mar 17, 2020 at 18:12
– Wawa Metal Recycling – We will remain to be open to receive scrap in the bins outside the gates. For all other inquiries contact Paul Nagy by text or phone 705-943-3200
– SECFDC has closed their office, and is working from home. All service will be uninterrupted and business consultation or loan application is available via email or telephone.
– Dawson & Keenan staff have closed their offices, but if necessary you can call to make an in-person appointment.
– Beachfront Outfitters will be open from 8:30 to 1 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday – Closed Sunday and Monday.
Mar 17, 2020 at 17:19
– Legion Ladies Auxiliary luncheon on Thursday, March 26th has been cancelled.
Mar 17, 2020 at 16:57
– Superior Children’s Centre has created goodie bags that include craft supplies (may contain small buttons), crayons, paper and a play dough recipe for you to make while at home. If you are interested contact Chyrstal (705) 971-2218 or Jody (705) 255-0683.
– Carol-Anne Robinson Physiotherapy Services office will be closed until March 30 2020 as per directives from Health Canada and Ontario Physiotherapy Association regarding Covid 19. I will update as information becomes available! Thank you
– Tuesday Legion Update: The Clubroom is closed until further notice as per MOH. We still have a limited amount of corned beef left – Mary Anne will be back in the office on Thurs. Thank you everyone for all your support
– Adult Learning Centre is open by appointment only.
– Wagging Tails Kennel and Store remain open regular hours during this time, please be aware we are currently limiting customers to one large bag of pet food per section in order to make sure everyone has food for their pets. Our suppliers have assured us that orders will still continue to be processed although it may take a little longer than usual as they have limited staff at this time as well. We also encourage customers to use debit/credit cards in lieu of cash when you can to reduce any possible spread if it comes to our area. Thank you for your co-operation, and we look forward to seeing you all.
Mar 17, 2020 at 12:19
– The Thrift Barn will be closed to the public. If you need books, games, movies. Entertainment items please message us on fanpage. Keep safe and healthy. 705-856-2596
Mar 17, 2020 at 12:05
– A CRUSTY TASTE OF FRANCE… No bread this week. Stay safe and enjoy the March Break!
– Chic N Swell – The salon is still up and running but please be cautious if ur not well or have a cold i am very accommodating and we can schedule you a appointment for when you well Please call and leave a message, Thank you Amber
– John’s ValuMart – I would like to ask a favour from everyone in our community. From 9am to 10am, Monday to Friday during this crisis, I would like to give our seniors and those with disabilities a designated shopping time. This is to give them the opportunity to navigate throughout the store with ease. I am choosing a time when public transit is available, we can ensure high traffic “touch” areas are freshly sanitized, and we will have staff available to help. I ask that all shoppers respect this request. Please pass this message along to your family, friends, and neighbours. We expect to receive our trucks as usual. Please be patient, while the staff restocks our shelves. Please do not buy in bulk, limit the number of items like toilet paper, hand sanitizer, flour, frozen/canned fruits and vegetables, etc..per household. Again, thank you for your patience and consideration during the following days ahead. John and Sabrina
– North of 17 Restaurant will be closed for in house dining until further notice. Take out orders available beginning Wednesday, March 18th hours 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. with a limited menu. Closed Sunday and Monday.
– Contact North is temporarily closed.
– The Roxy Bowling Centre – Hello everyone as of now we are only closed for today. We are working closely with APH and what the government rules are in order to make the right call for everyone. We will keep you updated as things continue to change. Thank you to all that have reached out to us. We appreciate the great community support.
Mar 17, 2020 at 09:49
- The Big Bear in Hawk Junction will be open for take out orders only until further notice.
Mar 17, 2020 at 09:21
– The Embassy Restaurant will be closed until further notice.
– Valu-Mart – To our valued customers, First I want to say thank you to our community. We ask for your continued support and patience during the times ahead. At this time we are limiting the number of shoppers in our store. By no means does this mean we are closing our doors. Supplies are still being delivered, the shelves are being stocked. This is to comply with the governments recommendations for social distancing. Also to not overwhelm our amazing staff. I personally want to ask all customers to remain patient and kind, as the staff are trying to keep up with the demands of our community. Thank you so much, John and Sabrina
– Tim Hortons – Wawa is open for counter service and drive thru. There is no restaurant seating.
Mar 16, 2020 at 23:39
– To Our Valued Customers: The Wawa Goose Bar and Grill regrets to announce it will be closed until the COVID-19 pandemic is cleared by the Ministry of Health and we receive permission to reopen. All restaurants & bars have been mandated to close effective midnight tonight.
Mar 16, 2020 at 18:45
– CHADWIC Home has posted that Drop-In Service and All Groups are suspended until Further notice. Telephone support is still available. (705) 856-2848
Mar 16, 2020 at 17:38
– Mike Mantha, MPP advises that his team and he are working from home… as always they can be reached [email protected] or 1-800-831-1899.
Mar 16, 2020 at 17:22
– For those headed to Cuba with Sunwing – COVID-19 Update: All southbound flights from March 17 – April 9 are cancelled. Northbound flights will continue to operate. Customers with bookings can click here to see their change/cancel options. Call wait times are very long.
– The Legion Clubroom will remain open for now. Mary Anne Pearson advises “we still have corned beef available $15.00 lb trimmed and sliced. I’ll be at the Legion Tues 10 a.m. to 11:30 and then 1:30 to 3 p.m. 705 856 7203”
Mar 16, 2020 at 17:10
– In order to take an abundance of caution, with the potential of Coronavirus, the Wawa Goose Seniors’ Drop In Centre is closed until further notice. All special events (including the Ham & Scalloped Potato dinner/ Ladies Bunco Night) and regular activities will be rescheduled at a later time.
Mar 16, 2020 at 16:17
– Tim Hortons – Wawa, “To contribute to social distancing that has been called for by public health officials, starting tomorrow (March 17th, 2020), our restaurants will focus on take-out, drive-thru and delivery service where available, and close all dining room seating until further notice.”
– To help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the Thunder Bay Art Gallery is temporarily closed to the public, beginning Monday MARCH 16 at 5 PM until further notice. Currently scheduled events and programs are cancelled and/or rescheduled for a later date. We sincerely regret any inconvenience this may cause. March Break Art Camps will continue to run, but will be assessed on a daily basis as the situation regarding COVID-19 changes.
Mar 16, 2020 at 16:03
– Due to COVID-19, the Lady Dunn Health Centre (LDHC) has suspended all non-essential visitors into the facility. The Foundation supports the efforts of the LDHC to keep our community safe. Catch the Ace tickets will no longer be available in the hospital lobby or at the LDHC Foundation office until further notice. We ask that any community member who wishes to purchase tickets to please do so at Circle K or PetroCan. Draws will continue to be made live on the Foundation Facebook page on Wednesdays at 11 am. Thanks for your understanding and your continued support to the LDHC Foundation.
Mar 16, 2020 at 15:33
– Michipicoten First Nation – All March Break Activities that were scheduled at Michipicoten First Nation have been cancelled.
– The Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre will be closed effective 4:00 p.m. today, Monday, March 16th and all activities and events cancelled at least until April 19, 2020. This will result in the cancellation of all arena and fitness activities. All events and bookings will be cancelled for the remainder of the season.
– The Wawa Public Library Board has made the decision to close the Library until further notice. All borrowing late fees will be waived during this period.
– All Boards, Committees and public meetings of the Municipality will be suspended until April 20, 2020 beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020. The regularly scheduled Council Meeting will take place tomorrow on Tuesday, March 17,2020, at 6:30 p.m.
– Wawa Transit will continue to operate with increased steps taken to clean and sanitize the bus. All users are reminded to refrain from using the transit if they are sick and to wash their hands prior to using the bus.
– Municipal Council Meetings will be altered for the month of April and the Regular meeting scheduled for April 7, 2020, has been cancelled.
– All municipal out-of-town travel for meetings, training and non-essential purposes has been suspended until further notice.
– The Municipal offices at 40 Broadway will remain open and Council is asking the public to only enter the building if absolutely necessary to protect the health and safety of our front-line workers. Please call 705-856-2244 and press “0” for assistance or inquiries.
Mar 16, 2020 at 15:19
– From ValuMart ” To our valued customers, First I want to say thank you to our community. We ask for your continued support and patience during the times ahead. At this time we are limiting the number of shoppers in our store. By no means does this mean we are closing our doors. Supplies are still being delivered, the shelves are being stocked. This is to comply with the governments recommendations for social distancing. Also to not overwhelm our amazing staff. I personally want ask all customers to remain patient and kind, as the staff are trying to keep up with the demands of our community. Thank you so much, John and Sabrina”
– The MMCC will be closed starting at 4 pm today until April 20. If you require anything from your locker, please retrieve it by 4 pm today.
Mar 16, 2020 at 15:00
– March 17th Celebration at the Legion – Please be advised that this event is cancelled. We are sorry to have to do this but in the circumstances it is our only option. This afternoon after 2 p.m. Do – It – Yourself Sandwich kits ( bread, corned beef, swiss cheese) will be available for purchase at the Branch ( delivery available).
– The Wawa Community Food Bank will be open this Wednesday during regular hours, 2 pm-4 pm. We have not been able to acquire any hand sanitizer, so ask that all clients wash their hands thoroughly on arrival, and keep a one metre distance from each other as much as possible.
Mar 16, 2020 at 07:18
– Yesterday, Sunday, March 15, Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, Sudbury & Districts Medical Officer of Health reported that a woman in her 60s is the second confirmed case of COVID-19 in the Sudbury and Manitoulin districts. “While this is unfortunate, it is not unexpected. This person was a close contact of the first confirmed COVID-19 case in our area,” said Dr. Sutcliffe. “The individual has followed the directions of Public Health and remains in self-isolation at home where she has been isolated since being tested at the Health Sciences North emergency department on Wednesday, March 11, 2020. The hospital took all necessary precautions for infection control, testing, and assessment. Following testing, the individual was discharged home to begin self-isolation.
– For the first time in 73 years, the 2020 Toronto Sportsmen’s Show (March 18-22) at The International Centre in Mississauga has been cancelled.
– Yesterday, the Ontario Lottery & Gaming closed all casinos in Ontario.
– Enterprise Rent-A-Car has waived it’s young renter fee and reduced the minimum age to rent a vehicle from 21 to 18. This measure was put in place in order to help students return home. The change is effective now through the end of May at all participating locations across Canada.
– As of Tuesday, March 17, VIA Rail is reducing services by 50% in the Québec City-Windsor corridor, the Sudbury–White River, Winnipeg–Churchill, Senneterre-Jonquière runs will continue to operate according to their respective schedules with no change.
Mar 15, 2020 at 16:40

John’s ValuMart ” …From an inventory perspective, the last couple days have presented some challenges. We want you to know that we are doing all we can to ensure an adequate supply of the items you are looking for. We see no shortages on any items in the foreseeable future. Please be patient as our stock is replenished on our usual truck days. We want to personally acknowledge all of our amazing staff, as they are doing an amazing job facing the challenges of the last few days.
There are no store closures planned and we are committed to continuing our service to the community.” (from facebook) – photos taken Sunday afternoon, March 15.
– In response to Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health’s recommendation to immediately suspend large events and public gatherings of over 250 people, Ontario Parks has cancelled all planned events until further notice. All public Ontario Parks buildings, such as visitor centres, will be closed as well.
Outdoor recreational opportunities including camping and day use will still be available at operating parks.
Appropriate cleaning measures continue to be undertaken to reduce risk to staff and visitors within buildings. Ontario Parks will also enhance cleaning of public areas that remain open, including washrooms.
– Defined Movement Dance has postponed classes until the beginning of April. The dance season will be extended by that same period of time to ensure delivery of all classes. Samantha stated that competition plans remain unchanged, but that she will continue to monitor the situation, and update participants accordingly. She asks that participants watch her pages for home practice opportunities for recital and exams.
– Due to the Health Crisis at the moment all Mitts and Moccasins classes will be cancelled until April 6th. Sorry everyone.
– As of today, Wawa Baptist will suspend Sunday morning services and all other weekly/monthly activities until after April 6 at which time we will consider the current Provincial recommendations. As a church family, we desire to take leadership in being responsible community citizens by playing our part to take preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus.
If anyone in the community is concerned about going out to get groceries or run errands, etc., please contact Mike at Wawa Baptist at 705-852-0903. We will gladly arrange for someone to help you.
Mar 15, 2020 at 07:57
The Anglican Diocese of Ontario has cancelled all Sunday church services until further notice.
Mar 14, 2020 at 09:00
Dr. Simpson has cancelled his scheduled clinics until further notice due to the COVID -19 Virus.
Confederation College’s four regional campuses will be closed starting Monday, March 16, 2020. CLASSES FOR THESE CAMPUSES WILL CONTINUE AS SCHEDULED USING ONLINE DELIVERY. Arrangements are being made for all students who do not already have at-home logins. Should students at these campuses have difficulty accessing their classes online, they should email their respective campus as per the below contact information. Arrangements are also being explored for employees at these campuses to work from alternate locations. The campuses that will be closed starting Monday include:
- Dryden – [email protected]
- Red Lake – [email protected]
- Sioux Lookout – [email protected]
- Wawa – [email protected]
Options are being explored to arrange academic deliver for these campuses at alternate locations. An update about next steps for these campuses will be provided on Monday.
Effective Monday, March 16, 2020 – The MMCC Gym will remain open 24 hours, with an additional period of closure for cleaning from 7am to 8am, and the regular closure for cleaning between 2pm and 3pm.
Low risk events, such as public skating and lunchtime pickup hockey will continue, with one dressing room dedicated to each event and all others restricted . All other Municipal programming is suspended for the week of March 16, 2020.
Alamos Family Fishing Day has been CANCELLED
LDHC has begun active screening in all care areas. Active screening is necessary to ensure the hospital environment remains safe, that we manage resources, and protect the well-being of our LTC residents, patients, staff, and the community. All out-patients and visitors must enter through the main entrance for active screening at registration*.
North Algoma Diabetes Education Program (foot care included), endoscopy screening program, stress testing, telemedicine and other specialist clinics will include active screening.
North Algoma Counselling Services – please present at registration for active screening prior to proceeding to the department for registration.
Please do not visit LTC residents and patients if you are unwell (fever, cough, etc.)
Effective Saturday, March 14, 2020, all Superior Children’s Centre EarlyON Child and Family Centres and Licensed Childcare Centres in the communities of Wawa, White River, Dubreuilville and Hornepayne will be CLOSED to the public, families and staff.
The Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie has cancelled all Masses (St. Monica – Wawa, Église de Sainte-Cécile, Dubreuilville):
- All Masses, weekday and weekends, as well as Sunday liturgies of the Word are cancelled.
- The churches remain accessible for personal visits during usual mass times.
All Algoma University events – on-and-off campus – cancelled, postponed or offered virtually
Sault College classes will be suspended as of March 23.
ADSB has cancelled all in-school childcare and all ADSB programs are cancelled and facilities closed.
All publically funded schools in Ontario will be closed from March 14 to April 5.
Michipicoten First Nation Band Council has cancelled the upcoming citizenship engagement sessions in Sault Ste Marie March 18 and Sudbury March 19, 2020.
Batchewana First Nation has limited services to essential-only.
The National Hockey League has postponed the 2019-20 season, beginning with games scheduled for Friday, March 13, 2020.
The Ontario Hockey League season has been “paused immediately until further notice.”
Business Listings
Services | Hours | Days Closed | ||
Embassy Restaurant | Restaurant | order in house or call ahead | 8 – 10 am, 11:30am – 1:30 pm and 5 – 7:30 pm | |
North of 17 | Restaurant | Limited Menu – Takeout & Cab Delivery | 11 am – 1 p.m., 5- 8 p.m. | Closed Sundays and Mondays |
Tim Hortons | Restaurant | Drive Thru | ||
Roxy Bowling Centre | Restaurant/Bowling Alley | Takeout/limited bowling | 12 -7 p.m. | |
Big Bear (Hawk Junction) | Restaurant | Takeout | 12 – 8 pm | |
Beachfront Outfitters | Bait & Tackle | 8:30 a.m. -1 p.m. | Closed Sundays and Mondays | |
Dawson & Keenan | Insurance | offices closed, phone in , or in person (appointment only) | ||
Wagging Tails Kennel & Store | Pet Supplies & Boarding | |||
Adult Learning Centre | office closed – services by appointment only | |||
SECFDC | office closed – services provided by phone | |||
John’s ValuMart | Groceries – Senior/Disability | Monday to Friday 9 am – 10 am | ||
Groceries | Sunday 10 am – 4 pm Mon to Sat 9 am – 5 pm |
CHADWIC | Women’s Shelter | Drop-in Services – Suspended | ||
Groups – Suspended | ||||
Outreach – Suspended | ||||
Telephone Support | 24hr | |||
Emergency Food Cupboard | 24hr – Call for aid | |||
Thrift Barn | books, games, movies, entertainment items | Call for Selection & Pickup | ||
Legion Hall | Clubroom & Hall | CLOSED | CLOSED | |
Black Thunder Enterprises | Window Service Only | Tuesday – Friday (9-4:30), Saturday (10-3) | Sunday & Monday | |
Wawa Metal Recycling | Scrap yard | Open to receive in bins outside gate | ||
Bob’s Exercise Gym | CLOSED |
email [email protected] to add your business information
- Friday Morning News – March 14 - March 14, 2025
- Happenings at Wawa First United- March 13 - March 13, 2025
- Local Labour Market Planning Report 2025 - March 12, 2025