OPP begin “Operation Safe Trucking” Campaign – August 18 to August 24

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have begun their Operation Safe Trucking Campaign which runs from August 18 to August 24, 2019.

OPP statistics report that there have been  4,816 Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) collisions so far this year (media release of August 16). Forty-six of those collisions resulted in fatalities, with two separate incidents collectively taking the lives of five people. This is 150 collisions over last year at this time.

OPP data analytics also reveal that 3,857 of the total number of CMV incidents this year were multi-vehicle collisions, in contrast to 959 incidents that were involved a single vehicle. CMV-related crashes account for 11 percent of the 42,200 collisions on OPP patrolled roads so far this year and have been linked to 30 percent of the fatal crashes.

The OPP cautions that the data should not be interpreted as commercial drivers being at fault in each of the collisions, and that the responsibility also falls on drivers of other vehicles involved in the incidents. “The OPP will remain diligent in their efforts to make safety a priority on Ontario’s roads” Acting Staff Sergeant Manuela Byrnes.

Brenda Stockton
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