2019 Northern Ontario Music and Film Awards

Celebrating Northern Ontario’s best and brightest from the past two years, on Saturday May 25, MFM unveiled their NOMFA award recipients in 13 different award categories acknowledging achievements in both Music and Film.

With representation from across Northern Ontario, MFM is thrilled to see these awards unite communities across the North and feature exceptional talent and diversity that exists from Parry Sound to Thunder Bay, and everywhere in between!


CREATIVE IMPACT ONTARIO NORTH / Impact créatif – ontario nord
Darlene Naponse

OUTSTANDING FEATURE FILM / Long métrage le plus remarquable
The New Romantic

OUTSTANDING SHORT/MID-LENGTH FILM / Court/moyen métrage le plus remarquable
Post-Script – Eric Robillard

OUTSTANDING SCREENWRITER / Scénario le plus remarquable
Darlene Naponse – Falls Around Her

OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE BY AN ACTOR IN A NORTHERN ONTARIO PRODUCTION / Prestation d’acteur la plus remarquable dans une production nord-ontarienne
Josh Wiggins – Giant Little Ones

OUTSTANDING DIRECTOR / Réalisation la plus remarquable
Darlene Naponse – Falls Around Her

OUTSTANDING TELEVISION OR VOD SERIES / Série télévisée ou VOD (vidéo sur demande) la plus remarquable
Letterkenny – Season 3


OUTSTANDING ALBUM / Album le plus remarquable
Pharos of Alexandria – Flowers of Atacama

OUTSTANDING ALBUM BY A FRANCOPHONE ARTIST / Album francophone le plus remarquable
Cindy Doire – Panorama

OUTSTANDING ALBUM BY AN INDIGENOUS ARTIST / Album le plus remarquable par un artiste autochotone
Quantum Tangle – Shelter As We Go…

OUTSTANDING ENGINEER / Ingénieur du son le plus remarquable
Shawn Sasyniuk – I Own a Bittersweet Flashlight by Matt Thibeault

OUTSTANDING SONGWRITER / Auteur-compositeur le plus remarquable
Kalle Mattson – Astronaut

OUTSTANDING VOCAL PERFORMANCE ON A RECORDING / Prestation vocale la plus remarquable sur un enregistrement
Patricia Cano – Gracias a la Vida

OUTSTANDING VIDEO BY A NORTHERN ONTARIO MUSICAL ACT Vidéoclip musical le plus remarquable par un artiste nord-ontarien
Kalle Mattson – Kids On the Run

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