What Happened at Council – March 19

Last night Council held a regular council meeting at 6:30 p.m., by 6:38 it was over. Mayor Ron Rody and Councllor Rob Reece were absent. Mayor Rody for personal reasons, and Councillor Reece as he was delayed on his return from vacation. Acting Mayor Pat Tait quipped that perhaps he had been delayed as a result of the grounding of all 737’s from Canadian airspace.

There were no presentations, and the agenda was approved as amended. Council did indicate what was amended. There were no announcements, and Acting Mayor Tait noted the upcoming council meeting dates.Council approved all items on the Consent Agenda, there were no delegations, public meetings or planning act meetings. Council received 4 reports (all having been discussed at the last Corporate Planning Meeting.

In new business, Council approved Mayor Rody’s travel on March 7th to the Sault Ste. Marie announcement about the Magino Gold Project, travel of Acting Mayor Tait to the FONOM Conference (May 8 – 10) in Sudbury. Council also approved the Police Services Board Honorarium of $100 per meeting and $150 per meeting for the Chair. That is an increase of $25 for the Chair. The Municipal Representative and any municipal staff serving on the board are excluded from this honorarium. Council also approved that the Municipalty would cover any shortfall as a result of the funding reduction of $20,000 due to the construction delays for the Ganley Street bioswale project as requested by the NOHFC.

The following by-laws were read for a First, Second and Third Reading.

  • By-Law No. 3182-19 – to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 19th day of March, 2019.
  • By-Law No. 3183-19 – to establish for The Corporation of the Municipality of Wawa a Board of Management for the Wawa Business Improvement Area.
  • By-Law No. 3185-19 – to enter into a lease agreement with Michipicoten First Nation for the use of a portion of the Northern Information Technology and Geomatics Cooperative (NITGC) for the purposes of a Cultural and Wellness Centre.

There was no in-camera session and the meeting closed 8 minutes later at 6:38 p.m.