Nov 29, 2017 @ 14:06
On Wednesday, Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath will initiate debate on a motion that forces all three parties to vote on whether Ontario will keep Kathleen Wynne’s privatized hydro scheme in place – or start reversing course and bringing Hydro One back into public hands.
“The effects of privatization are now evident,” said Horwath. “Sky-high hydro bills. Applications to hike prices even more. A plan to raise rates for 21 remote and largely First Nations communities. Spending billions to merge with an American coal-burning company. And, now, a proposal to install pre-pay meters in Ontario. That’s what privatization looks like.
“Today, I’ll put a motion forward to start undoing that damage and start heading back towards a public hydro system, so Ontario has control and affordability once again.”
Horwath said she was dismayed to learn Saturday that Conservative Patrick Brown is now on board with Kathleen Wynne’s hydro plan. According to his party’s platform, he intends to keep Wynne’s disastrous and expensive private hydro plan in place, including her multi-billion-dollar borrowing scheme which will skyrocket hydro bills right after the election.
“I’m inviting the other leaders to get on the same page as Ontario families who don’t support the privatization scheme in hydro,” said Horwath, who will table the motion for debate and vote on Wednesday afternoon. “It’s not too late.”
Horwath’s hydro plan, released in February, will end mandatory time-of-use pricing; ban unfair rural, remote and First Nations delivery rates; bring Hydro One back into public hands and substantially lower electricity bills for residents and businesses.
“It’s time for plan that offers hope to Ontario families let down by Kathleen Wynne. It’s time to stop the damage and take Ontario in a better direction. And it’s time to give people and businesses hope that lower hydro bills are on the way, and they’ll stay affordable.”
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