FONOM to gather in Wawa for its March Board Meeting

Members of the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) will hold its next Board meeting in the Town of Wawa on Friday, March 10th, 2023. Also, the Board will meet with Wawa’s Mayor, Melanie Pilon, and CAO Maury O’Neill to listen about the activities of this part of Northeastern Ontario. “It’s important for the Board to experience and then appreciate how vast the FONOM boundary is,” stated President Danny Whalen, “so when communities speak to their challenges, like Health Care, FONOM will have a better understanding when we try to help.”

During the Board meeting, the Board will discuss the recent and future Catch n Release meetings, the impacts of Bill 23 on our Membership, School Board Election funding, and FONOM’s upcoming Municipal Conference in Parry Sound.

The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) is the unified voice of Northeastern Ontario, representing and advocating on behalf of 110 cities, towns, and municipalities.

Our mission is to improve the economic and social quality of life for all northerners and to ensure the future of our youth.