In lieu of an in-person update to the media, Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, issued the following statement today: “There have been 121,889 cases of COVID-19 in Canada, including 9,024 deaths. 89% of people have now recovered. Labs across Canada have tested 4,741,146 people for COVID-19 to date. Over the past week, an average of 43,000 people ...
Read More »Other News
Premier, Provincial and Municipal Leaders Meet Online for 2020 AMO Conference
Premier Doug Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott will be among key speakers featured on the first day of the 2020 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) annual conference. The AMO conference opens Monday August 17 and will run to August 19. It will be offered entirely online – a first in the more than 120-year history of the event. The ...
Read More »Ontario Supporting the Safe Reopening of More Spaces at Gyms and Recreation Centres
The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, is supporting the safe reopening of many sport, fitness and recreation facilities by applying a capacity limit on a per room basis to help more businesses reopen their doors, get more people back to work and promote the return to a healthy and active lifestyle for all Ontarians. ...
Read More »L’Ontario favorise la réouverture sécuritaire d’un plus grand nombre d’espaces dans les gymnases et les centres de loisirs
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario, en consultation avec le médecin hygiéniste en chef, favorise la réouverture sécuritaire de nombreuses installations sportives, de remise en forme et de loisirs en mettant en place une limite de personnes par salle. Cette mesure vise à aider un plus grand nombre d’entreprises à rouvrir leurs portes, à permettre à davantage d’Ontariens et Ontariennes de reprendre ...
Read More »Nipissing West OPP aided by Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Fisherman’s Rescue
On August 12, 2020 at 9:30 p.m., members of the Nipissing West Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a report of an overdue fisherman on Thistle Lake, in the Municipality of West Nipissing (Field). The 90-year-old male, from Waterloo, left his rental cottage at 11:30 a.m. to go fishing and was reported missing after he failed ...
Read More »L’Ontario prend des mesures supplémentaires pour mieux protéger les élèves et le personnel
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario fournit un soutien financier aux conseils scolaires s’élevant à plus d’un demi-milliard de dollars pour veiller à ce que les écoles de toute la province rouvrent de façon sécuritaire en septembre et pour protéger les élèves et le personnel. Ces aides permettront aux conseils scolaires d’assurer plus de distance physique dans les salles de classe, d’avoir ...
Read More »Ontario Takes Additional Steps to Better Protect Students and Staff
The Ontario government is providing more than half a billion dollars in supports to school boards to ensure schools across the province will reopen safely in September and to protect students and staff. These supports will enable school boards to provide more physical distancing in classrooms and direct funding to utilize non-school community spaces, and will allow boards to make ...
Read More »Ontario Launches Consultations to Strengthen Privacy Protections of Personal Data
The Ontario government has launched consultations to improve the province’s privacy protection laws. People and businesses from a wide range of sectors, including technology, financial and service, and the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, will have the opportunity to contribute to strengthening transparency and accountability concerning the collection, use and safeguarding of personal information online. “Our government continually hears ...
Read More »L’Ontario entreprend des consultations pour renforcer la protection des données personnelles
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a entrepris des consultations visant à améliorer les lois de la province en matière de protection de la vie privée. Les personnes et les entreprises provenant d’un vaste éventail de secteurs, notamment la technologie, les finances et les services, ainsi que le Commissaire à l’information et à la protection de la vie privée de l’Ontario, auront ...
Read More »Canadian War Museum launches online exhibition exploring VJ Day and its legacy
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, which finally drew to a close with the surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945. Canada at War Against Japan, 1941–1945 — an online exhibition launched today — explores the war with Japan and its impact on Canadians, both overseas and on the home front. Produced by ...
Read More »The G’minoomaadozimin – We Are Living Well project receives Provincial Funding
Minister Greg Rickford (Energy, Northern Development and Mines, and Minister of Indigenous Affairs) made an announcement yesterday on behalf of Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development. He announced that the Ontario government is investing $280,500 to help Nokiiwin Tribal Council provide culturally-appropriate training and programs. “We are committed to supporting workers, students and families living in First ...
Read More »Community of Red Lake evacuates under Threat of Forest Fire
The community of Red Lake issued an evacuation order Monday night. This was to urge all vulnerable residents to leave immediately, and others to leave that evening as a forest fire (RED049) was threatening the hydro lines and main access to the community. More than 4,000 people began to leave and were registering at the Township of Ear Falls or ...
Read More »L’Ontario élargit son réseau de télévision en circuit fermé pour assurer la sécurité des collectivités
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario entend s’associer aux services de police de toute la province pour élargir le réseau ontarien de télévision en circuit fermé (TCF), un outil essentiel dans la lutte contre la violence armée, les bandes criminalisées et d’autres formes de criminalité. Dans ce but, la province investira 6 millions de dollars sur trois ans au titre de la Subvention ...
Read More »Ontario Expanding Closed-Circuit Television Coverage to Keep Communities Safe
The Ontario government is looking to partner with police services across the province to expand the coverage of closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems, a key tool in the fight against guns and gangs and other criminal activity. The investment of $6 million over three years will be made available through the Ontario CCTV Grant, a new program designed to further support ...
Read More »Le financement créera de nouveaux emplois et favorisera le secteur technologique dans le Nord de l’Ontario
Le gouvernement de l’Ontario accorde plus de un million de dollars pour appuyer le secteur de la technologie, créer des emplois et stimuler l’économie numérique dans le Nord. Le financement est consenti à huit entreprises par l’entremise de la Société de gestion du Fonds du patrimoine du Nord de l’Ontario (SGFPNO). « Tandis que nous mettons l’accent sur la relance ...
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