Author Archives: Brenda Stockton

For the Fallen

Poem by Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943), published in The Times newspaper on 21st September 1914. With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal Sings sorrow up into ...

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Bob Paterson – Watercolours

Nov 4, 2006 @ 14:56 Once again winter is here… And one of Wawa’s most enjoyed traditions is back. Bob Paterson is showing watercolours at the Legion Hall. Last night saw many of these beautiful watercolours marked with a “S” signifying that they had been snapped up by an admirer. Although don’t despair, roughly half are still available for purchase ...

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Tired of Cooking – Half Hour Pudding

Half Hour Pudding (a tasty pudding with a raisin caramel sauce) ¾ cup brown sugar 1 cup raisins 1 tbsp butter 1 ¾ cup boiling water 1 tbsp butter 1 cup clour ½ cup sugar 1/8 tsp salt 2 tsp baking powder ½ cup milk Boil first three ingredients uncovered until raisins are soft. Cream 1 tbsp butter, blending in ...

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Wawa WOW!

Published on: Apr 8, 2005 That’s it… Short, sweet, elegant… WOW! Wawa has its new branding/positioning “slogan”. After meeting with a variety of people in Focus Groups, “Benjamin James” has presented us with a new “brand”. The intent of this project was to identify Wawa’s strengths and identify ways to direct our efforts. The efforts to rejuvenate and expand our ...

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DeoWeb visits Wawa

Published on: Apr 5, 2005 Members of the DeoWeb team came to Wawa last Saturday to provide Content Manager and Administrator training to parishioners of St. Monica’s Parish in Wawa.   The intent of this training was to provide key people with access to the dioceasan website, which will then allow them to upload information about parish activity for not ...

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10th Annual Ken Brown Jr. Wado Kai Karate Tournament

Published on: Apr 4, 2005 The Michipicoten & Wawa Wado Kai Karate clubs will be holding the 10th Annual Ken Brown Jr. Wado Kai Karate Tournament, Saturday April 23rd, 2005, in the Michipicoten High School Gymnasium, 86 Magpie Rd; beginning at 9:30 a.m. The tournament is jointly sponsored by the Michipicoten & Wawa Wado Kai Karate clubs. According to Sensei ...

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Buy Your Daffodils!

Surely the past few days have brought thoughts that spring has arrived! One of the sure signs that spring has arrived is the Canadian Cancer Society’s Annual Daffodil Sales Campaign that kicks off the month of April. Of course, April is also Cancer Society Month, when they have their major residential canvassing campaign. Daffodils in Wawa and Hawk Junction will ...

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The Weather and Snow Cake…

Published on: Mar 31, 2005   It seems that any other year, a number of Wawa (and indeed, all of Northern Ontario) would be praying for the snow to melt and winter to be over! This year, however, in a drastic change of events they are praying for snow and colder weather. The last three days have seen an incredible ...

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Wawa Sno-Riders End Successful Season…

Published on: Mar 30, 2005 Early this morning, President, Mike Abbot sent the e-mail that was inevitable given the recent warm weather. “The trails in the Wawa area are now CLOSED. The warm weather coupled with the rain we received over night have created unsafe water crossings. Although some sections of trail are still reasonably good it is impossible for us ...

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Do You Have Your Ticket?…

Published on: Mar 30, 2005 Do you have your ticket for the Gala? The EDC will be presenting the 2005 Business Excellence Awards at the Awards Gala to be held on Thursday, April 7th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. Tickets are available from the Township of Michipicoten, EDC of Wawa, and the Northern Credit Union for ...

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What Happened at Council – March 22, 2005

Published on: Mar 29, 2005 The Council meeting of March 22, 2005 opened with regrets from Mayor Morrison and Councillor Jim Aquino. Councillor Helen Lamon explained that Mayor Morrison was at the Branding meeting, and Councillor Aquino was at the Rural Advisory Committee meeting in Ottawa. Under Announcements & Giving of Notice: Councillor Whent informed Council and attendees that there ...

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BRANDON, John “The Light”

Published on: Mar 28, 2005   John Louis Brandon “The Light” who at one time was the Chief Keeper at the Michipicoten Island Lighthouse, passed away February 25, 2005. Louie The Light stayed on as Chief Keeper for 20 years and happened to be on duty the night the Edmund Fitzgerald went down (November 10, 1975). Janis Leering of the ...

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Iris Place welcomes The Food Bank…

Published on: Mar 26, 2005 Iris Place was quite proud to welcome The Wawa Food Bank to their premises last Wednesday. The Wawa Food Bank which had been operating out of The First United Church had been looking for a new home. Debbie Lessard, hearing of their search, offered them the front portion of Iris Place to use as “offices”. ...

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March is Red Cross Month…

Published on: Mar 21, 2005 With Red Cross Month well on its way there is much cause for celebration through out the north. The winners are in for the Canadian Red Cross’ 10th Annual Northern Raffle.  The draw was held Saturday, March 19th at the New Sudbury Shopping Center. Winner of the Hyundai Tucson is Denise Millette of Kapuskasing with ...

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Snow Sculpture Pictures…

First Place Winner – Sponge Bob Ice Fishing and Roasting a Marshmallow created by the team of Cameron and Brittany Moore & Tanner and Callie Paddock   Second Place Winner – The Face of Shrek created by the team of Tyler and Luc Morden   Third Place Winner – “Snow Cake” created by the Dewar Family

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